A series of issues that need to be dealt with on the basis of decisions that have been taken or processes that are in progress, will be called upon to be carried out by the new Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, who in a few days he will receive the baton of the Ministry from his/her predecessor, Prodromos Prodromos.
According to a draft regarding the issues that need to be processed based on decisions taken or ongoing processes, which is expected to be given to the new political head of the Ministry and which the KYPE secured from the Minister's Office, one of the important issues are the assessment/evaluation of the new Student Assessment Plan at the end of the school year, as provided by the relevant legislation.
As noted in the draft, relevant preparatory work is being done at the Ministry and there are relevant notes from the Quality Control Group (QCG) and the Planning Office of the Ministry of the Interior and a relevant detailed report that is being submitted.
A pending assessment of the student is the decision on the re-submission of the amending bill that limits the number of subjects examined in High School to two (instead of four) and regulates the “Oral Assessment” procedures with the obligation to utilize all methods listed in the Law and the adoption of a specific limit on the number of written exercises (“competitions”).
As regards the Plan for the Evaluation of Educational Work and Teachers, it is stated that the plan that was completed, through and through relevant consultations, it took the form of two bills (Middle and Municipal), which are being legally processed and it is noted that it is up to the new Government, after the legal technical processing is completed, to approve it and forward it to the House of Representatives.
With regard to the decisions to extend pre-primary school from the age of 4, the draft states that depending on the decision of the Supreme Court on the reference of the relevant legislation by the President of the Republic, decisions should be made.
It is noted that in the event that the law is deemed unconstitutional, the Ministry will have to decide whether to submit a new legislative proposal to the House of Representatives for the age extension of pre-primary school.
Another pending decision is the decision to amend the operating regime of private secondary schools.
According to the note that will be given to the new/new political head of the Ministry of Education, after a recent incident of abusive operation of a private school, with problematic practices and the conclusions of the relevant discussion in the Parliamentary Education Committee, a decision is needed to promote an amending bill, based on a draft which was done, in order to abolish the provision for schools of “similar type” and henceforth to provide for the operation of private middle schools of the same and different type only.
It is noted that a proposal prepared by the Office of Private Education is also relevant. for the English School and the definitive clarification of its operating status.
Other issues that need to be processed on the basis of decisions that have been taken or processes that are in progress are the replacement of the purchase of services with contracts, the introduction of Skills Workshops – Generalization of sexual education, the process of evaluating/updating the Analytical Programs, the implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers for the upgrading of Special Education, the reorganization of tertiary professional education, the proposal to create and fill permanent teacher positions against the large number of contract workers, the activation of the Law on Violence and Delinquency approved by the Parliament.
Other matters that need to be processed are the promotion in the House of Representatives of the Bill for Higher Education Schools, which is currently undergoing legal technical processing by the Legal Service, the decisions on the extension of the installation of air purification systems in school rooms, the completion of the pilot project “PEDIA” for bioclimatic interventions in building facilities and school grounds and decisions for its extension, the implementation of the policy decision for the installation of air conditioning devices in schools, the promotion of the Bill for the establishment of an Authority for the Control of Prohibited Substances in Sports – Anti-doping, which was prepared in collaboration with WADA (located in the Legal Service for legal and technical control) to the Council of Ministers and then submitted to the House of Representatives for approval.
According to the note, the securing of a health card for sports students also needs to be processed, h promotion of the draft that has been prepared for the creation of the Deputy Ministry of Sports, depending on the choices of the Government, the decision to promote Regulations for the admission of candidates from private schools to public universities and the reorganization of study programs in High Schools/Technical.
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