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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

PtB in Zelensky: We know what pain and asylum mean

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& nbsp & nbspphilenews/ΚΥΠΕ & nbsp; & nbsp;

We understand what pain and asylum will mean, said the Speaker of Parliament, after the speech of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the House of Representatives.

The Speaker of the Parliament Annita Dimitriou stated that Cyprus is well aware of what pain and asylum will mean because it experienced the Turkish invasion, with its consequences still visible. He also said that history offers us lessons and in 1974 Turkey, under the pretext of being a guarantor power, invaded and still illegally holds European territory.

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“What I want to emphasize is that international history, offers us lessons that we must take seriously. And it is precisely the status of the guarantor power in the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus, which was the pretext for the Turkish invasion. “As if the invasion and violation of the territorial integrity of a state could be justified in any way,” he stressed.

He added that Ukraine, like Cyprus, has the right to be a normal, modern European state, without anachronistic guarantees from third countries, which is not in line with the culture of the 21st century and to choose the future it wants to benefit. of its people.

He referred to the resolution of the Parliament and its support for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and stressed the urgent need to return to dialogue, as the only possible way of resolving disputes.

The President Parliament assured that Cyprus, just like the other partners in the EU, remains firmly committed to the implementation of sanctions imposed on Russia as the European Union, with the aim of changing its behavior and ending the invasion of Ukraine. >

“The logic of the two measures and the two stations and the selective tolerance, and I am referring specifically to Turkey, both in terms of the flagrant violations of international law in Cyprus and elsewhere, and the non-application of sanctions against Russia, are not only selfish. “It undermines the intended impact of sanctions, offending the entire international community, and calling into question its determination and credibility,” he said. has embraced refugees, providing them with temporary protection and all related rights, despite the challenges and difficulties it faces.

He wished that international law and peace and stability will soon be restored, giving hope back to the peoples for a prosperous and creative future. & nbsp;

to be semi-occupied, divided and unjust “, he concluded.

Source: www.philenews.com

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