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Sunday, June 2, 2024

PtB met with the Association of Financial Analysts

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The challenges concerning the Cypriot economy and in particular the financial sector were at the center of the meeting

Η ΠτΒ συναντorθη κε με τον Σyνδεσμο Χρηματοοικο νομικoν Αναλυτoν

The challenges concerning the Cypriot economy and in particular the financial sector were at the center of a meeting held by the Speaker of the Parliament Annita Dimitriou with representatives of the Cyprus Financial Analysts Association (CFA Society Cyprus).

As stated in the announcement of the Parliament, Mrs. Dimitriou was informed at the same time about the actions and initiatives of the Association, which mainly concern the support of the financial literacy of young people in Cyprus, the promotion of moral values ​​and professionalism in the financial sector, the strengthening of its relations with the Cypriot universities, as well as inclusion, diversity and equality at work and in society.

In addition, the representatives of the Association expressed their willingness and readiness to assist the House of Representatives in matters related to the expertise of the members of the Association.

The President of the Parliament expressed particular interest in the actions and initiatives of the Association, recognizing in particular the importance of training young people in financial issues, as well as equality between professionals in the financial sector in Cyprus.

Finally, she emphasized her desire to establish meaningful communication between the Parliament and the Association and the development of cooperation.

Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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