What new IWG study reveals
Hybrid workleads to a healthier, happier and more productive workforce, with workers exercising more, sleeping more and eating better, having free time, better mental health, less stress and greater productivity, while limiting employee travel to and from their place of work contributes significantly to the overall reduction of a company's environmental footprint.
These are just a few of the significant benefits that come from adopting hybrid work, according to thenew IWG study titled “Hybrid & Health'.
More specifically, the research shows that the average exercise time for employees who have joined the hybrid work model is now 4.7 hours of exercise per week strong>, compared to 3.4 hours before the pandemic. This is a 38% increase.
Right to sleep
< p>Another key pillar for adopting a healthy lifestyle is sleep. According to the same research, it was found that employees who have joined the hybrid work model sleep more thanks to the extra time they can spend in bed in the morning, which has practically been freed from the daily commute. In total, they sleep up to 71 more hours a year – or more than three full extra days.
The hybrid work model also benefits the figure
Employees who have joined the hybrid work model again according to the IWG study report that their eating habits have improved significantly. Almost three-quarters (70%) stressed that hybrid work gave them the opportunity to prepare a healthy breakfast each day, while more than half (54%)said they had more time to spend cooking nutritious meals during the week.
Thanks to healthier lifestyles thanks to adopting the hybrid work model, more than a quarter (27%) of workers in the survey of the IWG reported weight loss since the start of the pandemic. Two in five (42%) lost between 5 and 9.9kg, while a remarkable 23% lost more than 10kg. The biggest weight loss factors were increased time exercising (65%) and more time cooking healthy meals (54%).
Personal Time
< p>Nearlyfour in five (79%) workers in the IWG study said they were more productive since switching to hybrid work, and nearly half attributed this to reduced stress levels and increased relaxation time after work.
More than four-fifths of workers in the IWG study said they felt they had extra personal time compared to pre-pandemic, with the majority using this time with family and friends (55%), exercising (52%) ) or taking a short walk during the day (67%). Two-thirds (66%) said they feel their mental health is good thanks to the shift to hybrid working.
The big shift to commuting
Research of the IWGfound that two-thirds (66%) of office workers agree that it is important to reduce commuting, while over three-quarters (76%)said reduced commuting is an important step in combating the climate crisis . Over four-fifths (84%) believe that the environmental gain from reduced commuting is one of the benefits of hybrid working.
Two-thirds (69%) of businesses from on their side they say that the reduction of workers's daily movementshelps to achieve the company's sustainability goals while more than three quarters (77%) believe that hybrid working has a positive impact on reducing the companies' carbon footprint. A recent study by IWG and Arup showed that switching to hybrid work can reduce commuting-related carbon emissions by up to 90%.
Commuting is also another burden on the pocketbook. employees. According to research by Confused.com,workers save up to £544 a month on commuting.
It is clear that the hybrid model is here to stay and the potential to improve everyone's health and wellbeing is significant. A balanced diet, physical activity and good quality sleep are the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and research data shows that due to the extra time offered by a hybrid working model, these become a reality.
source : newmoney.gr