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Monday, June 3, 2024

Stavros Papadouris: The EU should get more involved in the Cyprus issue

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    Σταύρος Παπαδ&omicron ;yρς: ΗΕΕεμπε ;ο σο Κριακo

    The EU needs to get more involved and more decisively, in order to strengthen our security against occupying Turkey, said the MP of the Environmental Movement-Citizens Cooperation, Stavros Papadouris

    In his speech at the Plenary session of the House of Representatives, on Friday, for the 20th anniversary of Cyprus joining the EU, Mr. Papadouris said that although the EU played an important and constructive role, nevertheless the Cyprus issue remains unresolved, with Nicosia being the only divided capital in Europe.

    “Institutionally, primarily the unresolved Cypriot, should be of greater concern to the EU. Yes, it is right that the member states have a strong economy. Yes, it is legitimate to have free movement, education and work of European citizens between member states. Yes, it is important to financially support the states for social welfare, but it is also important for the Cypriot citizen to be able to return to his ancestral home, to the land that his grandparents worked with their hands, to the place where a forgotten soul, in Famagusta, Kyrenia, Morphou, Karpasia”, he added.

    He continued saying that “20 years in the European family, the time has come for the tested Cypriot people to see again the coming days of hope, prosperity and progress, always based on the principles and values ​​of the EU, taking for granted the European acquis, which should enjoy the every EU member state”.

    The 1st of May, Mr. Papadouris said, is a milestone date for the history of the Republic of Cyprus, since our accession to the European Union was and is an important opportunity for the economic development of our country, as a perspective for our participation in the United Europe, with which we are linked by common cultural values.

    Undoubtedly our integration, he noted, has had a positive effect on many levels regarding environmental issues, human rights and social issues. .

    “The target attachmentof the EU has brought about an upgrade of the legislative framework of the Republic of Cyprus, significantly improving the quality of life and the environment of our country. However, there is still a lot of work to be done until we reach the goals that have been set”, he added.

    He said that the Environmentalists Movement – Citizens' Cooperation, is in partnership with the European Green Party, working tirelessly to strengthen policies that they benefit people, the environment, the prevalence of climate and social justice and the treatment of social inequalities.

    It is important, he stressed, to be more assertive and productive in matters concerning Cyprus and to strengthen the a Cypriot voice in the European institutions.

    “Cyprus, in relation to other member states of the European family, is facing heaps of special problems concerning the massive influx of immigrants and refugees from our neighboring countries, our geographical position, the particularity us as an island and dealing with the effects of Turkish imperialism that it brought from 1974 until today, all over our country”, he added.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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