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Stefanos -Nikolas: The atmosphere at the meeting was excellent and they agreed that the change of government is an urgent need

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AKEL and DIKO agree on the need for a change in the governance of the place and in this direction they are moving, both with the contacts between them and with contacts that they will seek to have with other parties.

Stefanos Stefanou and < strong> Nikolas Papadopoulos had a meeting today, and as for the result, they both said they were satisfied, since they both described as “excellent” the climate in which they took place.

“Useful and constructive”, the president of DIKO characterized the discussion with the Secretary General of AKEL: “We agree on the need for change and as a Democratic Party we will continue our contacts with the opposition parties with the expectation that we will be able to reach a common political framework for all the important issues that concern the society today “, said Mr. Papadopoulos.

DIKO's intention, he said, is to meet “society's demand for change, as we believe that the next presidential election will not be just an electoral contest, it will be a struggle for the present and the future of our place and our people.”/p>

Ο Στέφανος Στεφάνου , spoke about the need for honesty and conditions such that the goal of change is achieved in the next presidential election. “Times are really difficult. The occupation burdens Cyprus and we see the side effects that are created in relation to the developments that are happening internationally at the moment with the situation that exists in Ukraine that certainly affects us as well. “Therefore, the next period will be a period of intensive work with the wish and hope that it will have positive results”, he noted.

time. We will also judge by the course of events. The electoral and political scene is fluid. We will continue our contacts. We will also have meetings as parties, with other parties that share the need to achieve change. “Through dialogue and discussion we will see how we will end up”, he said when asked about it.

DIKO, according to its president, intends to request a meeting with the president of EDEK in the next few days ” as at least as far as we are concerned, we consider EDEK to be a potentially important partner in this effort for change. We believe that we are united by common struggles in terms of efforts to improve the political and social data of our country and therefore this will be our pursuit “, he said characteristically.

Source: politis.com.cy

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