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Stefanou-Papadopoulos: Need for change for the place

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AKEL General Secretary Stefanos Stefanou and DIKO President Nikolas Papadopoulos agreed on the need for change for the place, after a meeting they had on Tuesday at the offices of DIKO, which, as they reported, was conducted in an excellent atmosphere.

The President of DIKO, Nikolas Papadopoulos, in his statements spoke about a constructive discussion in an excellent atmosphere and said that “we agree on the need for change”.

He added that DIKO will continue its contacts with opposition parties & nbsp; with the hope that they can reach a common political framework for all important issues that concern society today.

“We believe that the unpleasant developments in Ukraine demonstrate the urgent need for our country to be able to stand on its own two feet again economically, socially and in matters concerning our national security,” he said, adding that the key question that will be addressed in the coming period is the most appropriate person to lead this effort.

DIKO's intention, he said, is to meet society's demand for change, as, as he said, the next presidential election will not be a simple electoral contest, but a struggle for the present and the future of the place and the people.

For his part, Mr. Stefanou stated that he agrees with Mr. Papadopoulos both for the excellent atmosphere of the meeting and for the realization that this country needs change because of the deadlocks that the Alarm government has caused over the years in all the issues that characterize and determine the course of the place and the people are too many. That is why, he said, we need to try through the debate with honesty and openness “to be able to work together to create the conditions to achieve change in the next presidential election.”

“Times are really difficult, the occupation weighs heavily on Cyprus and we see the side effects that are created in relation to the developments that are happening internationally at the moment with the situation in Ukraine that certainly affects us as well. Therefore & nbsp; next time, it will be time & nbsp; “Intensive work with the hope and hope that it will have positive results,” he said. that because it will be intensive this work will not be done in the long run, while they will judge by the course of events.

“The electoral and political scene is fluid, we will continue our contacts, we will have meetings as parties and with other parties that share the need to achieve change. “Through dialogue and discussion, we will see how things will end,” he said.

Mr. Stefanou said that nothing has been discussed about this. However, as he said, both AKEL and DIKO will meet with other parties.

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” We stayed in a preliminary discussion today regarding the situation in Cyprus, the issues before us, we reaffirmed our conviction “we know that the place needs change and we will be back in a very few days”, he added.

On his part, Mr. Papadopoulos said that DIKO intends to request a meeting with the President of EDEK in the next few days, as at least & nbsp; Regarding DIKO, they consider that EDEK is a potentially important partner in this effort for change.

“We believe that we are united by common struggles regarding “efforts to improve the political and social data of our place and therefore this will be our pursuit,” he said.

Asked whether the profile of the possible candidate they would support was outlined, Papadopoulos said that they had not entered into such a discussion and that they had exchanged preliminary views on some selection criteria that should be taken into account. .

Answering a question whether his own name is on the table, Mr. Papadopoulos stated that they have not entered into this discussion. Regarding the criteria for the presidential candidate, he said that there is an understanding regarding the criteria.

Mr. Stefanou added that in every effort made for cooperation by at the moment & nbsp; where there is a strong basis for recognizing the urgent need to change the place and end this government, then there is a commonly accepted goal that can guide them in this work. & nbsp; With respect and mutual recognition of priorities we will seek convergence and consensus, he concluded.


Source: www.philenews.com

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