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Strange phobias that are actually very common

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Strange phobias that are actually very common

Did you know that there are people who are afraid of buttons? Or is tryphobia extremely common? True, we do not get them out of our minds.

Before the invention of the Internet, a person with tryphobia should go to a psychologist to hear for the first time in his life that what he suffers from is quite common, other people have it, there is no need to worry – after all, all phobias are cured.

And this is one of the good things that the internet has brought to our lives: It has clearly shown that whatever you can think, but whatever you can think, someone lives / does / has it somewhere. Yes, like the following phobias, let's say.


Do you happen to think that in many dark tales the heroes have eye buttons? One of the most recent examples that comes to mind is Neil Gaiman's Coralline. Button phobia is extremely common. In fact, Steve Jobs also suffered from it – and somehow we got cell phones without buttons at some point. In English it is called Koumpounophobia and is analyzed in detail in various interesting articles.

Strange phobias that are actually very common


Now look at something very interesting: This extremely common phobia, which is often ridiculed on the internet, can – according to a 2017 survey – be an evolutionary reaction of the organism that perceives an image.

as an indication of the presence of parasites or other infectious diseases. Speaking of which, now, if you tell us that you feel super comfortable looking at the image below, we will find it somewhat difficult to believe you.

Strange phobias that are actually very common


Like us for the rather unfortunate translation, the term is very new and has not yet been translated into Greek. We also tried Akinitophobia, but it refers to a property with which it has nothing to do. The English word comes from No Mo (bile) and means the fear of being without your mobile phone. It includes the panic that grips you when you think you have lost it and you are frantically looking for your bag, but it is not limited there. It is also the deprivation syndrome that you feel when you can not check your cell phone for a few hours – inside the planes, for example. If you're about to giggle, take a look at the statistics and keep your mouth open in front of estimates that say 66% of the population suffers from this phobia – compared to 53% just four years ago.

Strange phobias that are actually very common


It has the strange name phagophobia in English (because almost all phobias have Greek names) and… is not what you think. That is, yes, in some cases it is associated with eating disorders, but it is not the fear of not gaining weight from eating. It is the fear of not drowning, which makes it difficult for you to swallow. People who suffer from phagophobia end up avoiding foods with certain textures, chewing their food for too long, cutting very small bites, drinking too much water with their food, and finding it difficult to take pills. Here is a brief explanation in Greek about the symptoms, causes and treatment of phagophobia.

PHAGOPHOPIA: THE FEAR OF SWALLOWING Swallowing dry and wet food, pills, etc. may seem like an extremely simple process, but not for people who show symptoms of phagophobia, ie fear of swallowing. The fear of swallowing manifests itself with various symptoms, but mainly with the fear that if the person chews the food and swallows it, he will drown. Patients may avoid a variety of foods (depending on texture, size, etc.), chew excessively before swallowing, complain that food gets stuck in the mouth, have difficulty starting the swallowing process by holding food in the mouth , cough when the swallowing process begins. It is obvious that phagophobia causes severe disturbance in the daily life of the person, but mainly in the eating habits and practices as the person starts and does not eat normally, avoids food, loses weight and socially isolates himself by avoiding being with people at meal times. A significant number of people report the onset of symptoms in connection with some traumatic food-related experience. In most cases, however, it is found that the person is in a general state of anxiety or depressed mood which he does not realize in his daily life.

Strange phobias that are actually very common

source: In2life

Source: 24h.com.cy

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