What PEO and OEB stated in “NEWS DISTRIBUTION”
The General Secretary of PEO, Sotiroula Charalambous, and the General Director of OEB, Michalis Antoniou, spoke on the “DISPLAY OF NEWS” program of “SPORT FM 95.0” about the aftermath of yesterday's strike actions for ATA and the next steps.
Mrs. Charalambous stated that the echo of yesterday's general strike is the readiness and militancy of the workers and the entire trade union movement to defend ATA and fight for the expansion and implementation of the institution. He even characterized as regrettable the fact that the President, instead of seeing this from yesterday's mobilization, made sure to focus on something else. “It's sad for the thousands of people who were there and not for me personally with the attack he made on my person,” Ms Charalambous said.
Asked if there will be a short break due to the elections and if they will resume after the election of a new President, she replied that the trade unions will meet and evaluate the data. “There is a labor dispute with the employers, so this does not start and end with the current government, nor do we leave it on the sidelines until the elections are held. If there is nothing that leads to things changing, we have no other choice than to continue the fight we started” he emphasized and repeated that the issue has nothing to do with when elections are held. “It was not our choice that it coincided with the Presidential elections. The mediator had time if he wanted to solve it”.
When asked if there is room for dialogue, he noted that “it is obvious that the employers' organizations aim to completely abolish the ATA and also the entire salary formation mechanism”. This is where, as he explained, the Minister of Labor should have been more clear, that this cannot be put on the table. As for whether a guild meeting date has been arranged, he said there will be a first review on Monday to schedule the big meeting.
OEB: We cannot accept an ATA of the 40s
For his part, when asked to comment on Ms. Charalambous's statement that the employers want to abolish the ATA, the General Director of OEB, Michalis Antoniou, said that “this is our position, we have said it repeatedly, we consider this wrong system that has been tried and failed.” He emphasized that it should be replaced with a more holistic, modern and productive system. He clarified at the same time that the request of the trade unionists “is parked, we put it aside in an effort to consult with the friends of the unions to formulate something that is mutually acceptable. An ATA which has all the elements of the 40's cannot be generally accepted”.
At the same time, he noted that it is not possible for the OEB to consciously participate in the perpetuation of a practice which “will gradually lead to the weakening of the competitiveness of our country” and explained that based on this philosophy of things they will submit proposals when the next government is formed, in order ” let's sit down with the relevant ministers and the friends of trade unionism, let's see what the formula is that will pay the workers at the base and the inflationary phenomenon so that the businesses remain viable and competitive and the public finances are not at risk”.< /p>
Finally, asked if a common point can be found to untangle the tangle, Mr. Antoniou stated: “I cannot say with certainty what that point is, but I can say that the ingredients that will lead to the identification of that point and its exploitation are here. It is mainly the love and pain that both sides have for the advancement of the place”.