Rationalization is, unfortunately, a reality that runs through Cyprus. The mood and emotion dominate the logical and empirical knowledge in many aspects of the political, social and economic life of the country.
Unfortunately, what we experience with the reaction to the vaccine should not surprise us. Science and epidemiologists have not claimed that vaccines are perfect and without side effects. All preparations are available with a special license. At the same time they did not hide problems and side effects, as was the case with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Information on the action of vaccines approved by the European authorities is abundant and accessible to anyone, specialist or non-specialist. At the same time, international scientific journals publish daily articles on the effectiveness of vaccines, which certify that vaccination generally works. From the beginning, the decision to vaccinate the population en masse (and even for free) was a risk management decision. The risk of existing side effects from vaccines is less than the risk of being vaccinated if exposed to the virus. Simply put, without a vaccine at some point most of the population will get sick, which means for the resilience of health systems (which are not made to handle large numbers of patients), but also for losses in human lives.
What is happening with the denial in science and vaccination (a phenomenon not only Cypriot) is added to a chain of irrational approaches of Cypriot society, at all levels.
1st In the Cyprus issue. A rational approach would first acknowledge the mistakes of our side. A reflection on Makarios' handling would also be useful, but also on the way the Turkish Cypriots approached. If, for example, the Republic of Cyprus (a State belonging to both communities, as stated in Article 1 of the Constitution) sought and brought to justice the murderers of the missing Turkish Cypriots, it would dramatically reduce the existing suspicion of the Turkish Cypriots towards the Greek Cypriots. arguments from Turkey and would have a strong moral advantage on the international stage.
2nd In the economy. Here, rationalism unfortunately concerns the majority of the political system. The crisis of 2013 was not a natural phenomenon, but the result of a chain of irrational decisions.
The legacy of rationalism in the economy is still present today in the issue of sales, the handling of “red loans” and the (non) implementation of reforms. Stagnation at all levels is the result of a strong resistance to rationalism, a resistance that keeps Cyprus on the margins of the modern world.