The European University of Cyprus expresses its deepest sorrow for the untimely death of Dr. Michalis Krasias, Head of the Sports Center of the University of Cyprus, President of the Cyprus University Sports Federation and President of the Cyprus Volleyball Federation.
The deceased served the sport throughout his life and his loss leaves behind an irreparable void. He contributed to the university community and the society through his services and his active activity. He played an important role in the introduction of the sport of Futsal in Cyprus. For the European University of Cyprus, the loss is greater, because for eight years he was a colleague as Head of the Sports Department of Cyprus College, a gymnast and coach. As the Men's and Women's Handball coach at Cyprus College he had five consecutive victories in the women's championship (1987-1993).
The Council, the Chancellor's Authorities and the entire academic and administrative community of the European University Cyprus express their sincere and warm condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased.
His Memory Eternal
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