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The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus – Available today for prescription

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The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

The protocol for the administration of the medicinal product Molnupiravir 200mg hard capsules, for the treatment of COVID-19 disease, is implemented from today.

Specifically, Molnupiravir will be available from today for prescription, through the GESS Computer System in patients with laboratory-confirmed (PCR or Rapid Ag Test) mild or moderate COVID-19 disease, who do not need hospitalization, within 5 days from the start date of the symptoms or the date of the test (whichever occurs first) and with at least one risk factor.

According to the Health Insurance Organization, the treating physicians, before the prescription, will be asked to answer a questionnaire, which will be posted in the Information System of GESS, in order to ensure that the prescription will be made only to those patients who will meet the criteria set by the ad-hoc Committee of the Ministry of Health, for the creation and implementation of the relevant protocols, concerning the medication against COVID-19.

It is also noted that the treating physicians should, when prescribing, complete in the Information System both the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease and the underlying disease (ICD-10) which is a risk factor.

According to the protocol, high risk factors are considered – based on the updated list of the Ministry of Health – the pre-existing Chronic Respiratory Disease (eg severe bronchial asthma, patient in chronic oxygen therapy or in non-invasive ventilation [CPAP] B [CPAP] severe pulmonary hypertension (NYHA III and IV), severe pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonectomy / lobectomy, severe chronic renal failure (creatinine clearance below 15 ml / min and dialysis), cardiac arrhythmia with permanent or permanent cardiac defibrillator and ventricular pacemaker, heart failure of any etiology (ischemic or non-etiologic) stage according to NYHA III or IV, cardiovascular disease and recent acute coronary syndrome or revascularization, angioplasty or stent implantation -coronary bypass (CABG – bypass) in the last 12 months and the recent GNI in the last 12 months or with an established neurologist 's semiology.

Also, high risk factors are considered to be cardiomyopathies (history of documented myocarditis, hypertrophic, dilated, invasive amyloidosis), congenital heart diseases after surgical correction with significant residual damage or significant eg TNF inhibitors, interleukin inhibitors) or other immunosuppressive drugs, active chronic corticosteroids (≥20 mg prednisone or equivalent for ≥ 1 month), patients with a history of solid organ transplantation or or hematological, receiving chemotherapy or radiation or immunotherapy l, HIV patients or patients with CD4 lymphocyte count <200 / mm3. m, Hereditary or acquired immunodeficiencies, patients with hemoglobinopathies, which fall into Category C, patients at very high risk, according to the recommendations of the International Thalassemia Federation.

In addition, treating physicians are called upon to prescribe the drug Molnupiravir in a separate prescription. Molnupiravir can be prescribed by Personal Adult Physicians, physicians, Physicians specializing in Infectious Diseases, pulmonologists, hematologists, oncologists, cardiologists, nephrologists, neurologists, neurologists, rheumatologists.

OAY notes that the medicinal product Molnupiravir will be available only from the hospital pharmacies of OKYPY and specifically from the General Hospitals of Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca, Famagusta, Paphos and Troodos and Polis Chrysochous Hospitals.

He also points out that no supplement (€ 1) should be charged for the Molnupiravir medicinal product.

Molnupiravir is not currently licensed in the EU.

It is administered on the basis of a recommendation issued by the European Medicines Agency (Coreper) evaluating the intermediate data of the drug study available at the time of the examination.

These data from 775 people showed that molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death in people with COVID-19 who had a higher risk of serious illness from 14.1% in the placebo group to 7.3% in the group receiving the placebo. molnupiravir.

The study did not include people who had been vaccinated.

The application for marketing authorization of the drug in the EU is currently under consideration by Coreper, which is evaluating new data on the efficacy of molnupiravir as updated results, based on 1,408 subjects, show that molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death in people with COVID-19 who were at higher risk of serious illness from 9.7% in the placebo group to 6.8% in the molnupiravir group.

It should be noted that molnupiravir is not recommended during pregnancy and in women who may become pregnant and who are not using effective contraception.

Women who can become pregnant should use effective contraception during treatment and for 4 days after the last dose of molnupiravir.

Breastfeeding should be discontinued during treatment and for 4 days after treatment.

These recommendations are based on laboratory studies in animals which have shown that high doses of molnupiravir may affect fetal development.

Molnupiravir is also not indicated for use in pediatric patients.

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

Suitable for people over 65 years

Presenting the profile of the drug, the Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Elena Panagiotopoulou said that it is suitable for people over 65 years and not under 18 and can be administered to special categories of vulnerable groups of the population.

He added that the side effects after its administration are not worrying and concern mild dizziness, headache and intestinal disorders, while he noted that in February the public health services will have at their disposal the medicine of the company PFIZER.

Welcoming him at the press conference, the Minister of Health, Michalis Hadjipandella, said he was proud that Cyprus is among the first countries in the EU where the administration of the preparation has already begun, which is currently the only antiviral administered orally.

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

The new coronavirus pill in Cyprus - Available today for prescription

Presentation Molnupiravir 17.01.2022

Source: KYPE

Vaccination plan is different from today – See which days each vaccine is available

The points for free rapid test on Monday 17 January (catalog)

Source: politis.com.cy

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