Dijital bir platformda yayınlanacak olan "Famagusta" adlı dizi, tarihi gerçekleri çarpıtmak suretiyle Güney Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi’nin kara propagandasına hizmet etmektedir.
Bu dizi, 1963-74 yılları arasında gözlerini kan bürümüş Kıbrıslı Rum çeteler tarafından katledilen Kıbrıs…
— T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı (@TC_Disisleri) September 1, 2024
In its announcement, the ministry states that “the series entitled “Famagusta”, which will be released on a digital platform, serves the black propaganda of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus [art. the Republic of Cyprus] distorting the historical facts.
» This series is a great disrespect to the honored memories of the Turkish Cypriots who were massacred by the Greek Cypriot gangs between 1963-74. Such futile attempts to portray the events as different from what they are, further strengthen our determination to fight for our national cause , Cyprus. We honor our Cypriot veterans and martyrs with respect and mercy”.
Earlier, Omer Çelik and the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey expressed their irritation.
The vice president of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's party speaks of distortion of the “Peace Operation” (as the Turkish side calls the invasion) and of propaganda by the Greek Cypriot side.
“The fact that a series that distorts the 1974 Peace Operation in Cyprus and makes propaganda for the Greek Cypriot side will be broadcast on a cinema platform from September 20 is very worrying. We cannot accept that the intervention that brought peace and established justice is targeted by Greek propaganda. The Peacekeeping Operation in Cyprus, the heroic Turkish soldier, peace and justice cannot be targeted through this series,” he says in a post on X.
Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Batuhan Mumcu also moved in the same tone, stating that he was deeply disturbed. “The production in question ignores the historical facts, distorts the Cyprus Peace Operation through Greek positions and unfairly defames the Turkish soldier who brought peace to the island”, he argues, insisting on Attila's correctness.
The Turk official calls it “unacceptable for a platform like #Netflix, which is aimed at a wide audience, to present historical events by distorting them”.