In the midst of a pandemic with the economic crisis at its peak and a large part of the population unable to cope with the needs of everyday life, the Government and parties in complete harmony and sympathy, are sucking 11.5m from the state coffers. euro. It is the amount approved in the budget as state aid to the parties. Aid that the parties rushed to collect aron-aron, citing their expenses for the pre-election period.
This move was kept out of the limelight for quite some time. It was revealed just a few hours ago, but again the parties avoid entering into discussions about the law and ethics of this action. It is indicative that in yesterday's show of OMEGA, “AIXMES” the presenter Sotiris Paroutis stated that he addressed many deputies asking to take part in a discussion on the issue, but they refused. They avoided incense like the devil, he said characteristically. Finally, the deputies of DIKO Panikos Leonidou and of DI.PA Marinos Mousioutas intervened. Mr. Paroutis mentioned several times during the discussion that the disbursement of the money was done in secret.
Mr. Leonidou claimed that everything was done legally, while on his part Mr. Mousioutas raised the issue of whether this action has a moral basis. In fact, he revealed that DI.PA, in a letter to the Auditor General, requests an investigation to determine whether there is embezzlement of public money. He claimed that the distribution of money was based on the electoral power of the parties that emerged in May 2016, while this had to be done based on the election results of the upcoming parliamentary elections. Mr Mousioutas said there were people who did not receive the benefits or compensation promised by the rulers, and the parties were receiving millions.
Based on the information published, the relevant fund was distributed to the parties as follows:
DISY 1,916,000
AKEL 1,623,000
DIKO 970,000
EDEK 485,000
ELAM 341,000