A reversal in the plans for the resumption of air traffic to Cyprus was recorded yesterday, after the Council of Ministers made changes in its relevant planning. Specifically, as decided, the amended Action Plan for the gradual resumption of flights and the reopening of airports, which was decided in December, will enter into force on March 1, but with updates and, in essence, by half. Its full implementation is postponed to April 1, after it was decided to continue strict measures at airports throughout March, apparently due to fears caused by the virus mutations, although some information suggests that the EU has made recommendations for change.
Detailed changes
For the countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) including Switzerland , there is no amendment. That is, from March 1, 2021, the categorization of the countries of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) will be followed, which will be classified in the categories green, orange or red.
For the month of March for third countries (United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Belarus) as well as for the European Council list of third countries, the evaluation of these countries will is carried out by the Ministry of Health which will classify them in green, orange, red and gray. Those of the above countries classified in the gray category will need a special entry permit and in addition passengers will have to submit a PCR laboratory analysis within 72 hours before departure. In this category will apply self-restraint / quarantine measures which will be in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health.
From 1 to 31 March 202 1, arrivals from any of the above countries, which has been classified in the green category, will undergo a laboratory PCR test, the cost of which will be covered by the Republic of Cyprus. It is noted that, for the month of March, all passengers, regardless of category, arriving in Cyprus will have undergone a PCR laboratory test.
From 1 April 2021 , the evaluation and ranking of third countries will be done in the categories green, orange or red according to the criteria of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). As third countries, in addition to the United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Belarus, are added, as of 1 April 2021, the following countries: Serbia, Qatar, Bah United States of America, Armenia and Georgia.
Those countries that are not included in the above will be classified in the category Gray – special license. It is important that the Ministry of Health will announce on a weekly basis the categorization of countries. In addition, the Council of Ministers decided to extend, until March 31, 2021, the 7-day stay measure in places that will be indicated by the Republic of Cyprus for those arriving from the United Kingdom, in accordance with the conditions that already apply.
The categories and what applies to each
i. Category Green. In this category, all passengers, upon arrival in Cyprus, from the 1st to the 31st of March 2021 will undergo a PCR laboratory analysis, the cost of which will be covered by the Republic of Cyprus. From April 1, 2021 there will be no restrictions, a practice that is still valid today.
ii. Category Orange, which will require the submission of a negative PCR laboratory analysis within 72 hours before departure, a practice that is still valid today.
iii. Category Red , which will require double laboratory analysis, ie negative PCR laboratory analysis within 72 hours before departure and another PCR laboratory analysis upon arrival in Cyprus. No self-restraint / quarantine measures apply in this category. It is noted that Cypriot citizens and legal residents of the Republic can choose to carry out a laboratory test only upon arrival in Cyprus. In this case, they should remain in a mandatory self-restraint regime according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, unless they provide additional laboratory analysis with a negative PCR within 72 hours before departure.
iv. Gray category – special license. The procedure for granting a special permit to enter the Republic for third country nationals will be followed in this category (Cypriot citizens, those legally residing in the Republic of Cyprus and European citizens are excluded from the grant of a special permit). Arrivals in this category should remain in a mandatory self-restraint regime according to the relevant instructions of the Ministry of Health.
v. Sampling laboratory tests will be performed in all categories in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health.