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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Timely reminder to the UN

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& Epsilon; & pi; ί & kappa; & alpha; & iota; & rho; & eta; & upsilon; & pi; & pi; & e; ; & theta; ύ & mu; & iota; & sigma; & eta; & pi; & rho; & omicron; & sigmaf; & tau; & omicron; & nu; & Omicron; & Eta; & Epsilon;

& nbsp & nbspΟ Φιλελεύθερος & nbsp; & nbsp;

At a time when all of humanity is looking at Ukraine and what is happening on its eastern border, there are inevitably associations with the case of Cyprus and the ongoing occupation of the northern part of the island since 1974. For Cyprus and Greece and some third parties, the lack of equal treatment of the case of Cyprus with that of Ukraine is obvious. & nbsp;

Days ago, and even before the crisis broke out in Ukraine, the Republic of Cyprus had sent another letter to the United Nations (which is revealed by the Greek website liberal.gr), the reading of which reminds the international organization of the situation prevailing in Eastern Mediterranean. The letter was in response to allegations by the Turkish Permanent Representative that he was challenging the island's maritime zones and sovereign rights. & Nbsp;

Turkey's attempt to challenge the very existence of the KD entity and the occupation regime can only be linked to the current events in Ukraine for which the UN and the EU rushed to take decisions. & Nbsp;

KD's letter to the UN & nbsp;

The letter from the Republic of Cyprus, signed by the Permanent Representative to the UN, Andreas Hadjichrysanthou, states, among other things, that “while only Turkey continues to embrace a fabricated version of international legitimacy, the international community has no doubt that there is only one state in Cyprus, which consists of and has sovereignty over the entire island of Cyprus, and that Cyprus is represented by the only legitimate government on the island since the Republic of Cyprus became a state in 1960 “. & Nbsp;

SEE ALSO: & nbsp; UAE's successor meeting canceled due to Ukrainian

The letter further states: & nbsp;

“Cyprus will continue to protect its ipso facto and ab initio sovereign rights on its continental shelf, in accordance with international law and applicable international law. Turkey's maximalist and expansionist claims are not based on established rules of international law and have no legal force. Their aim is to create an alternative reality, adapted to serve Turkish interests and geopolitical ambitions. Pursuing the goal of illegally disposing of the maritime zones of Cyprus or parts of them, Turkey intends to use it as a springboard for control of the eastern Mediterranean. The progressive creation of events by Turkey for this purpose has been going on for quite some time and includes:

– the harassment and use of force against ships conducting hydrocarbon explorations on behalf of the Cypriot Government in our maritime zones

– challenging the maritime zones of Cyprus, and

– the instrumentalization of Turkey's separatist policy in Cyprus, also with a view to implementing its maritime zones.

It also includes repeated threats, such as that set out in document A/76/609-S/2021/1061 . Given the incompatibility of such threats with the UN Charter, Cyprus is looking to the United Nations to ensure that Turkey does not use force against it again.

Trying to prevent a state from exercising its sovereignty and sovereign rights is completely contrary to the letter and spirit of the Charter (UN). Contempt for international law, because it leads to a less beneficial outcome than violence, is fundamentally at odds with any notion of an effective multilateral approach.

Cyprus, on the other hand, has demarcated its maritime zones in accordance with international law and is exercising its sovereign rights legally and remains ready to delimit its maritime borders with Turkey in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. To reach a special agreement (compromis) for the joint submission of the matter to the International Court of Justice for the determination of the final maritime delimitation of the continental shelf/Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus and Turkey on the same basis.

Its refusal Turkey's pursuit of a peaceful settlement to an artificial dispute that Turkey itself has created only confirms its preference for resolving disputes by force and not by rules. The appeal of the Turkish Cypriots to make outrageous demands or to reject the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, creates a convenient but defective smokescreen. “All I need to say is that Turkey's claims will equate to the distribution of 44% of the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone, depriving it of all Cypriots, including Turkish Cypriots.”

Source: www.philenews.com

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