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Monday, July 1, 2024

To the Attorney General of the Republic the issue of the statements of “Karavidas” of Doxa

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The Committee of Ethics and Protection of Sports decided to send to the Attorney General of the Republic for his own actions the public statements of the President of the Doxa Katokopias Association, Costas Christodoulou.

At the same time, in a statement, the Commission stated that the reports of Christoforos Tornaritis, Head of the Football Department of Olympic Nicosia, were rejected, except for allegations of errors and omissions in the procedure and criteria in appointing referees in specific matches, in order to allow match-fixing. which the Commission will monitor and if necessary, will make its own intervention.

The Commission noted that it was necessary to issue a Call for Information in order for Costas Christodoulou to appear before the committee.

In particular, it is reported that the Committee met after the public statements of Tornaritis and Christodoulou on April 7, with Mr. Tornaritis accompanied by the President of Olympiacos, Alexis Mavrommatis, attended the meeting and submitted a written memorandum to the Commission, but did not make any complaint. Commission.

Regarding Tornaritis' statements, the Commission stated that the allegations of manipulation of the National-Olympic match “did not provide any evidence to further examine the matter”./p>

In relation to the allegations of manipulation of the upcoming National-Omonia match that had been suspended, the Commission noted that no evidence was provided to justify the above position.

For the allegations for errors and omissions in the procedure and criteria in the appointment of referees in specific matches, in a way that allows the manipulation of matches, the Commission stated that Tornaritis and Mavrommatis, gave special emphasis and provided details.

“The Commission considers that the information presented to it provides a basis for further consideration of the matter, which the Commission will monitor and, if necessary, make its own intervention,” the statement said.

In relation to Christodoulou's statements, the Commission noted that the President of Doxa did not respond to the Commission's invitation, and therefore a Call for Information was issued and delivered on the basis of the powers conferred on the Commission, pursuant to of the Law.

Following the above development, Mr. Christodoulou attended yesterday's meeting of the Committee and was asked about his public statements in relation to the following issues:

(a) that “all Cyprus knows that there is a gang in the palace “,

(b) that” Kostenoglou came with political intervention “,

(c) that some want to send a downgrade to one of the two teams, Doxa or Olympiakos.

“Mr. Christodoulou stated that everything he had stated, he said in a state of emotional charge, while he did not have the knowledge to substantiate it,” the statement said.

“After the In the above development, the Commission decided that Mr. Christodoulou's public statements, in relation to the previous ones, before the Commission, may constitute a violation of the provisions of the relevant legislation, hence it was decided to send them to the Attorney General for his own actions “, the Commission noted.

Finally, in a more general comment, the Commission noted that public statements by sports actors calling on the Commission to intervene were not complaints.

The way complaints are made, provided for in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and anyone can be informed by contacting the Commission, either by telephone at 22897205 or by email at [email protected].

” Contrary to the complaints, which, according to the relevant legislation, are handled in all confidentiality, public statements of sports agents with allegations of corruption and manipulation, will provoke the Commission's own intervention if the sports agents themselves, “The Commission noted that the obligation, if anyone is summoned before the Commission, to testify as to what he knows about what he has stated, is emphasized. ημοσίως.


Source: politis.com.cy

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