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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Two factors for a dangerous cocktail in the Cyprus issue

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Two factors for a dangerous cocktail in the Cyprus issue

The daily challenges of the Turkish side with the messages for changing the basis of the Cyprus issue, and the delay on the part of the United Nations to convene the informal preparatory meeting of the five, are the two negative factors that create a dangerous cocktail in the Cyprus issue. Nicosia is concerned about the turn of events in the Cyprus issue and does not rule out Ankara's methods for gains at the forthcoming European Council and not for a solution to the problem.

The public intervention of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in relation to the form of solution of the Cyprus problem does not leave much room for misinterpretation as to what Ankara's aspirations are on the Cyprus issue. Erdogan's statement is a continuation of a rhetoric, intensified in the last 15 days, by the Turkish side in order to send the message that it is not discussing anything else in the Cyprus issue except the two-state solution. A rhetoric that so far has not found a response in foreign decision-making centers (with the exception of Britain, which is trying to find a middle ground), which reiterate that they do not accept anything other than a bi-zonal bi-communal federation solution. And this approach of foreigners seems to have dictated Erdogan's intervention in order to send the message that “it means what Ankara says on the Cyprus issue”.

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The persistence of a two-state solution on the Turkish side is one of the two factors that create negative prospects in the Cyprus issue. The second factor is the delay in convening the informal Pentagon by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The fact that there is no mobility on the part of the United Nations seems to leave room for the Turkish side to come and go with its positions on a two-state solution. At the same time, it is possible that the United Nations, seeing this attitude of the Turkish side, will not dare to convene an informal 5 + 1 meeting for fear of a deadlock in the effort. A development that Antonio Guterres does not want to be charged with, because it will be his second failure in the Cyprus issue, after Crans Montana.

It is not ruled out that some at some point, at some point, when Turkey approaches the European Council, which is its main concern at the moment, may shed some tones. Besides, those who watch the Cyprus issue know that on the eve of similar developments in the Cyprus issue, Turkey always raises its tones to come after appearing condescending. In this case, to leave the rhetoric of the two-state solution and to appear in favor of the confederation solution. However, this will keep the Cyprus issue outside the agreed IGC base.

And because Turkey is trying to make a profit at the March summit, government circles in Nicosia say that in the absence of positive developments in the Cyprus issue, it will insist on not even discussing Turkey's so-called positive agenda at the EU summit, nor and draw conclusions.

On the Hill, in addition to the analyzes, the preparation continues so that the Greek Cypriot side is ready when the five-party is convened and at the same time there are ready answers. 16 different sections have been identified and for each of them a separate study has been prepared which was presented to President Anastasiadis. These are legal answers to the different arguments put forward by Turkey today to finally tell us that the federation belongs to the past and that what is being discussed today is only the two-state solution.

The presentations were made in two long meetings of the President with the negotiating teams that met on Wednesday and Thursday. The aim is to summarize the analyzes in a document that President Anastasiadis and the Greek Cypriot negotiator have in front of them whenever invited by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Answer and readiness for conversations

Turkey should realize that we do not accept any of its expansionist policies, Government Spokesman Kyriakos Kousios said in a written statement, commenting on reports by Turkish Vice President and Defense Minister Fuat Oktay and Hulushi Ak respectively.

Mr. Kousios notes that “we want to make it clear that the President of the Republic, with political will and determination, will participate in the informal pentagram which is expected to be convened by the UN Secretary General and which we hope will be the beginning to achieve a a just, lasting, viable and functioning solution to the Cyprus problem, based on UN decisions, Security Council resolutions, but also EU principles and values, creating the conditions for a reunited homeland, without foreign armies and anachronistic guarantees, and which will “Continue to be a member of the EU. A solution that meets the expectations of both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.”

He added that “as far as Varos is concerned, Turkey should realize that we do not accept any of its expansionist policies, which are also not acceptable to the UN through the Security Council resolutions on Famagusta, and in particular resolutions 550 and 789, but neither and from the EU and the international community, more broadly. “

“With these clear positions, we will seek a solution to the Cyprus problem, hoping that the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey will respond positively,” the government spokesman concluded.

Source: www.philenews.com

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