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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ukrainians had hidden in a grain truck to avoid conscription

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Ukrainian authorities announced Friday that they had arrested 41 men of military age hiding in a grain truck they believe was headed to the border with Romania or Moldova.

The vehicle was inspected during the night near the village of Novosilske, the Ukrainian border guard clarified. The village is a few kilometers from the border with the two countries, in the southwestern part of the country.

Criminal proceedings were initiated against them because they tried to cross the border illegally. They come from 12 regions and are between the ages of 18 and 60, meaning they could be recruited and serve in the war with Russia that broke out in 2022 when Russian troops invaded Ukrainian territory..

An investigation is underway in weight of two people who allegedly facilitated an attempt to leave the country illegally, according to the same source.

According to a separate announcement, the border guard arrested another man in the Carpathians, near the border with Romania. He called for help as he had been injured in his fall from a great height. The man, also of military age, comes from Kherson (south).

Since February 24, 2022, martial law has been imposed in Ukraine and general conscription has been declared. Ukrainians of military age are allowed to leave the country only if there are special reasons or they have been given permission to do so. But dozens of people try to avoid conscription every day by crossing the border and asking for asylum.

Source: 24h.com.cy

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