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V. Pourgouridis: In Cyprus we have never had a rule of law

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V. Pourgouridis: In Cyprus we have never had a rule of law

Evangelos Pourgouridis, son of the former DISY MP, Christos Pourgouridis, recently announced his independent candidacy in the Limassol region in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Well-known criminologist, married and father of a 15-year-old teenager. Vangelis Pourgouridis is claiming a seat in the House of Representatives in order, as he mentions in “F”, to implant the principles of the rule of law, as he characteristically said, something that in his opinion does not exist today.

Dombros, straightforward and critical. He emphasizes that we do not have a Democracy but a policy of Dictatorship. In fact, he declares that he is ready to face the χα boha that is drowning us, typically saying that “someone must take out the garbage”. The reason for his candidacy was the book of Makarios Drousiotis, “The Gang”, while he claims that he has the support of citizens from all parties, who have given up everything that is recorded and have no confidence in the parties.

He does not hesitate to speak very harshly about the Democratic Alarm, saying that from a party of values it has become a party that sells passports, emphasizing that the government has now become unreliable.

– Why an independent candidate, Mr. Pourgouridis, given that in the past individual candidacies had failed? I decided to run as a candidate first of all because the Limassol voter was constantly asking me to do so, who wanted to have an alternative choice, not wanting to give his vote to the parties. That was the reason. As far as the independent is concerned. Quite simply because no party represents me. I believe that the parties of Cyprus have completely escaped from their purpose and role and at the moment they are co-responsible for the evils that plague us today as a Cypriot society.

– As you said in your statements, the people urged you to run, but as you say, the reason was the book of Makarios Drousiotis “The Gang”. Explain to us. Reading the book, I realized the dirty political game played by the parties behind the back of the Cypriot citizen. As well as the extent of corruption and entanglement in the parties at the moment.

– Your father comes from the Democratic Alarm, he was an active member and executive for many years. Did you not know for so many years that in politics there may be some degree of corruption? First of all, do not identify me with my father, we are two independent beings. As you well know, in the past I disagreed with my father's substantive political decisions. There have even been some recent cases where our disagreement has been recorded in public. Another he, another me. I respect him, I appreciate him, I love him very much, but our political positions are not always the same on all issues. However, the fact that my father was in a party does not mean nor does it oblige me to be in the same party.

– However, you grew up with the same political beliefs … What I will tell you is that the Alarm of Glafkos Clerides is not the Alarm of Averof Neophytos.

– The reason; Everything has changed. From a party of values, it became a party that supports the policy of passports, that passes laws for the sale of the world's homes, consults and serves the interests of banks and not the public interest.

– Did you realize what you are telling me long ago or now because of what is coming to the surface? Just like you said, now because they come to the surface. I was not in the decision-making centers. I saw things happening, but I did not know the reason for them. As I mentioned to you, I read the book of Makarios Drousiotis and I understood why some things were happening. I now realize that the reason for all this was unbridled corruption.

– Do you think that there are many corrupt politicians? We have many, many more than we can bear.

– You criticize the Anastasiadis government. What do you think are her mistakes? Infinite mistakes were made. The biggest mistake that the government continues to make is that it remains in power while it knows very well that it has completely lost its credibility both internally and internationally. The Anastasiadis government is currently negotiating the Cyprus issue, the fate and the future of all of us. How reliably does it do it? The right solution for a man who loves his country, would be to resign and lead Cyprus to elections. Not to continue to negotiate our fate knowing that it is considered completely unreliable.

– Are you referring to the handling of the Cyprus issue? The Cyprus issue is currently managed by a completely unreliable government.

“Dictatorship” policy in pandemic management

– In various posts on social media you talk about a policy of “Dictatorship” … The way in which decisions are taken on measures to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and the result of those measures, constitute a blatant violation of almost all human rights provided for in the constitution.

– But do these measures concern the public health of our fellow citizens? This is the reason given by the government in order to legitimize the way it treats its citizens. I never said that no action should be taken. My position is that the measures to be taken must always be scientifically substantiated by scientific studies. Be necessary and in any case be proportional. If you can take milder measures, these are the ones you should take first and not apply the strictest measures directly.

The Minister of Health cannot wake up one morning and say that I have decided that I am taking these measures so that the coronavirus does not spread. I can meet at the Mall, at the demonstration why not? I stick to the demonstration, but I do not stick to the Mall, or were the demonstrations banned as a measure of violation of my right to gather peacefully so that people do not complain in the streets about the dictatorial measures?

Aim to fight corruption

– If the people elect you, what is your first concern? The first concern is the implantation of the principles of the Rule of Law, something that is completely missing from Cyprus. We have never had a rule of law in Cyprus. The rule of law is a fundamental human right of every citizen of this place and includes principles such as democracy, absolute respect for human rights, transparency, accountability, prior consultation with citizens before decisions are made concerning them and many other similar principles, which are by nature committed to the fight against corruption. I am often asked how corruption will be combated. There is a way and that is the establishment and implementation of the principles of the rule of law that I mentioned to you. Unfortunately, we have a Government which, as I told you before, governs us with decrees. In Democracies you do not rule by decrees.

– Regarding your candidacy, do you think that there is a large portion of dissatisfied Alarms, which is on your side? It is not just from Synagermiks that I have support in my candidacy. They are people from all party areas, intelligent who have given up. They have realized, they have realized and they no longer have any trust in the parties. I do not wrong these people at all, as I do not trust the parties either. I'm one of them with the only difference being that I took on the role of taking out the trash. Someone inside a house has to take out the trash.

– Well-known lawyer and criminologist. Will you close your office if elected? As I said in my announcement, I have a lot to lose both as a family man and as a professional from this venture. Nevertheless, I feel inside, especially after reading the “Gang” and realizing some things, that the public good and the public interest, in this case, is superior to my personal one.

Source: www.philenews.com

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