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Yellow warning in effect – The weather forecast until Wednesday

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<p data-block-key=Rain, thunderstorms and hail on the weather menu for Easter Sunday as a yellow warning is in place from this morning.

According to the Met Office, the warning is in effect from 5:00pm until 7:00pm.

< p data-block-key="a0m13">The weather forecast

Today, Easter Sunday, the weather will be mostly cloudy, while local rains and isolated storms are expected, initially in the west and in the north and progressively in the rest of the island. In a storm, hail is also expected, while winds may change and strengthen. From late afternoon onwards, a gradual improvement in the weather is expected. Winds will be southwest to northwest, initially light to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort and gradually moderate to strong and transiently strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be generally rough and transient in the south, west and north, up to rough. The temperature will rise to around 24 degrees in the interior, around 22 on the coasts and around 12 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight, locally increased clouds will be observed at intervals, which in areas to the north and possibly inland, may give isolated showers, without excluding the occurrence of an isolated storm. Winds will shift mostly northwest to northeast, light to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort. The sea will initially be generally rough, however gradually, it will become slightly rough to rough. The temperature will drop to around 12 degrees inland, around 16 on the west and north coasts, around 15 on the south and east coasts and 5 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Easter Monday, the weather will initially be mostly clear, however, locally increased clouds will gradually develop, which are expected to give isolated rain and possibly an isolated storm, mainly in areas in the west, in the mountains but also in the south.

On Easter Tuesday, the weather will be mostly clear. On Wednesday, the weather will be mostly clear with temporarily increased high clouds.

The temperature until Wednesday will gradually rise, to hover just above the average climatic values ​​of the season.

Source: reporter.com.cy

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