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Saturday, June 29, 2024

You do not say the unique scores that send Omonia-Paphos to a draw… realistic

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& Tau; & alpha; & mu; & omicron; & nu; & alpha; & delta; & iota; & kappa; ά & sigma & kappa; & omicron; & rho; & pi; & omicron; & upsilon; & sigma; & tau; έ & lambda; & nu; & omicron; & upsilon; & nu; & Omicron; & mu; ό & nu; & omicron; & iota; & alpha; - & Pi; ά & phi; & omicron & & ; & pi; & alpha; & rho; ά & zeta; & delta; & epsilon; & nu; & tau; & alpha; & lambda; & epsilon; & sigmaf; & hellip; & rho; & epsilon; & alpha; & lambda; & iota; & sigma; & tau; & iota; & kappa;/p> </p>
<p style = The data are known in view of the games of Friday (25/2) that will decide which of Paphos and Omonia will take a place in the first group of the playoffs.

For Omonia to do & # 8230; overthrow, only need a victory against APOEL and, at the same time, Paphos to lose to Aris. In case the greens win and the Blues draw, the two teams will draw, but since the games between them had the same score (1-1), Paphos will excel due to a better goal ratio.

< p style = "text-align: justify;"> Unless, if Omonia wins APOEL & # 8230; with a six goal difference, a scenario that is certainly not & # 8230; realistic. For & # 8217; This is not realistic and the scenario to see for the first time a draw for the six.

According to the announcement of the KOP, if two teams are equal and are both the scores of the matches between them, as well as the goals they scored and conceded in total in the league, the ranking is judged through a single draw in a neutral home.

With Paphos at 26-18 (+8) and Omonia at 23-21 (+2), the only way to do such a thing is for Omonia to beat APOEL 6-0 and Paphos-Aris to end 3- 3 (or 7-1 and 4-4 and so on).

Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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