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The Fassino resolution for the return of Varosia was approved by KSSE – “No” only by Turkish MPs

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    The Fassino Resolution on Varosia was approved by the KSSE – “Appeal for the return of the Varosians to their legal residents” – Clear reference to invasion and occupation – Only Turkish MPs voted against it

    The Plenary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CCC) approved on Thursday with a majority, the Resolution of the Rapporteur of the Political Affairs and Democracy Committee of the Assembly, Piero Fassino on the subject “Appeal for the return of the Varosians to their legal residents“, says in its announcement by the House of Representatives.

    In the announcement it is noted that the contribution of the member of the Cypriot delegation to the Political Affairs and Democracy Committee where the issue was discussed, Giorgos Loukaidis as well as the head and other members of the Cypriot delegation, was of decisive importance for the positive outcome of the resolution and the inclusion of particularly important reports, and in the form of amendments, through which, among other things, a clear reference to invasion and occupation is madeand which in their entirety relate to the Cyprus problem and the special issue of Famagusta.

    It is added that the main concern of the Cypriot MPs, in addition to refuting the known Turkish claims, was to highlight the dangers inherent in the illegal actions of Turkey with the partial “opening” of the closed city of Famagusta and the consequences of the continuation of the present unacceptable situation for the prospects of solving the Cyprus problem.

    It is noted that the Resolution as adopted refers to the need to withdraw Turkey's illegal actions in the closed area of ​​Famagusta, “which, as pointed out, make difficult the prospect of resuming talks to reach a solution to the Cyprus problem, on the basis of the agreed United Nations solution framework which provide for a bizonal bicommunal federation solution with one sovereignty, one international personality and one citizenship”.

    On the issue of Famagusta, it is stated, “the Resolution also considers as the only feasible solution the return of the city to its legal inhabitants, through the implementation of resolutions 550 and 789 of the United Nations Security Council or as part of a package of confidence-building measures, strengthening thus the efforts to achieve a comprehensive solution”.

    The Resolution expresses at the same time, as stated, support for the efforts made by the personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Maria Angela Holguin, for the resumption of negotiations.

    “Furthermore, it points out that the Turkish claims for a “two-state” solution in Cyprus as well as Turkey's unilateral actions deviate from the agreed solution framework and calls on Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership to implement the Famagusta related United Nations resolutions and return in the dialogue”, it is added.

    The Resolution also states that the ongoing division in Cyprus harms the interests of the entire Cypriot people and may, at any moment, endanger stability in the Eastern Mediterranean.

    “Reiterates the position of principles of the Council of Europe for the reunification of Cyprus and the achievement of a fair, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem that ensures the legitimate interests of the two communities, and expresses the readiness of the Organization to contribute in this direction” , it is reported.

    It is noted that the Resolution was approved “with a significant majority”, while only Turkish MPs voted against it.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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