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Rita Superman: In cases of conflict, women's human rights and…

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 ΡΙτα ΣοΙπερμα&nu ;: Στσπεριπτσιςσυγκροσεων τνθιναιμτων αικoν και...

The importance of promoting policies that will ensure, not only the participation of women in decision-making, but also their equal representation in high political positions, pointed out the MP Rita Theodorou Superman, who participated in the work of the World Conference of Women Parliamentarians in Doha.

According to an announcement by the House of Representatives, the work of the World Conference of Women Parliamentarians, organized by the UN Office for Combating Terrorism (UNOCT), as part of the “Parliamentary Participation in Prevention” Program, was completed today, Thursday, in Doha and the Fight against Terrorism”.

It is noted that Mrs. Superman participated in the Conference, in her capacity as the Special Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (MPA) on the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

In her intervention, Mrs. Superman pointed out that in cases of conflict and violent extremism, the human rights of women and girls suffer the most.

He noted that KSM has always emphasized the promotion of policies for gender equality and the improvement of economic, political and social conditions for women and, to this end, prepares studies and provides scientific support to its members for actions aimed at addressing the particular challenges for women in the Mediterranean region.

The Cypriot Rapporteur indicated the creation of the Women's Parliamentary Forum of the SCM, in 2022, with the aim of acting as a platform to promote the full political participation and economic and social empowerment of women in the Mediterranean region.

She announced , moreover, that as Special Rapporteur of the Convention on the fight against terrorism, she promotes the inclusion of the UN Agenda “Women, Peace and Security” in the priorities of the Forum for the two years 2024-2026, underlining the contribution of women to the strengthening of cooperation for peace and security in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions.

Ms. Superman emphasized the SCM's firm commitment to ensuring the equal and meaningful participation of women in leadership roles and in efforts to combat terrorism.

She expressed her dismay at the under-representation of women in policy-making, especially in security related areas.

The Cypriot Member of Parliament emphasized the importance of promoting policies that would ensure, not only the participation of women in decision-making, but also their equal representation in high political positions. But this, said Ms. Superman, cannot be achieved only through education and women's empowerment, but it is necessary to establish a gender-based quota in terms of representation in institutions.

Ms. .Superman said that the SCM actively contributes to international and regional cooperation in dealing with global issues, including the fight against terrorism, by promoting the exchange of information between states and international bodies, as only with collective efforts, as he said, “will we be able to face the deeper causes of these phenomena”.

Finally, Mrs. Superman informed the participants about the cooperation of the KSM with the Executive Directorate of the UN Security Council Committee on Combating Terrorism (CTED) in the preparation Report on the malicious use of artificial intelligence and new and emerging technologies, which he said should also consider gender.

Source: politis.com.cy

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