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The Fire Service responded to 15 fires in the last 24 hours alone

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 Σε 15 πυρκαγισ μνοτευαοαποκρθ κεροστιηρεα According to a post by Andreas Kettis, the Fire Service responded to a total of 34 incidents in the last 24 hours 

<p>According to the Spokesman of the Fire Service, Andreas Ketti, in the last 24 hours the Service responded to a total of 34 incidents, 15 fires and 19 special services, the most important being the following:</p>
<p>Response of the Larnaca fire stations with team and rescue vehicle at 12:34 to rescue an injured person after a work accident on Giannou Kranidiotis Street in Larnaca, where a worker on the roof of a building fell into a metal canopy from a height of 12 meters. He was stabilized with First Aid and with the help of special equipment and a stretcher he was transferred and delivered to the ambulance.</p>
<p>Response of the Larnaca fire stations at 05:51 to a fire on the terrace of an apartment on the third floor of a 3-storey apartment building on Stratigou Timaya Street. The fire caused extensive damage to equipment as well as to the glass glazing of the veranda. To extinguish the fire, our members entered the apartment using breathing apparatus. The occupants were inside the apartment and left the premises without any danger before the arrival of P.Y. The cause of the fire is under investigation.</p>
<p><b>See Mr Ketti's post:</b></p>
<blockquote class=

In the last 24 hours, PY responded to a total of 34 incidents, 15 fires and 19 special services, the most important being the following:
Response of of Larnaca fire stations with a team and a rescue vehicle at 12:34 to rescue an injured person after a work accident➡️

— Andreas Kettis (@akettis) June 28, 2024

Source: politis.com.cy

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