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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Athina Economakou: She confirmed her relationship with Bruno Tserela by wearing his shirt

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    ΑθηνΟικονομ κοβετσημε ;οροορλασφα ;νλα του

    He put an end to the rumours

    Athina Economakou has been in Italy for the last 24 hours for the sake of her love, who, a few months after her breakup with Filippos Michopoulos, is in love again.

    The well-known actress and businesswoman has found love in the person of the basketball player doll, Bruno Cerella, without either of them having confirmed it so far.

    The night of her On Thursday, June 27, Athina Economakou was at her partner's match, with herposed for the first time wearing a Bruno Cerella jersey.

    With this move, the actress and businesswoman indirectly confirmed her new relationship with the 37-year-old Italian-Argentine basketball player, ending the rumors.

    Her close friend, Nikol Panagiotou and Natasha Theodoridou also attended the same match.

    Αθηνα Οικονομα&kappa ;ουβετσημε οοοοοοοοοοοοο νελα του

    ΑθηνΟικ οομακουβεβτησση με Μπορλφοτ&sigma ; τη φαλ το /></p>
<div class=Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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