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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The doctor, artist and writer Kyrillos Sarris has passed away

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    Born in Nicosia… left for Athens – His funeral will be held on Monday

    He passed awayin Athens at the age of 74, the doctor, artist and writer Kyrillos Sarris.

    Sarris was born in Nicosia in 1950 and after being apprenticed to the painters Lefteris Oikonomou and Telemachos Kanthos, he studied Medicine at the University of Athens.

    • Kyrillos Sarris successfully combines medicine and painting. “My success and my failure will be judged”

    The exhibition of activityincludes solo exhibitions in Greece and Cyprus and several participations in group exhibitions, in Greece, Cyprus, France and Germany.

    It also expanded into the field of publishing, with curations, introductory texts and visual book designs while it was considered a one of the most important scholars of the work of Marcel Duchamp

    His funeral will take place on Monday July 1st at 5.30 pm. from the cemetery of Chalandrio.

    In an interview he gave to KYPE in January 2024, Kyrillos Sarris expressed his anxiety that no one should say that he is too good a doctor for a painter or too good a painter for a doctor, emphasizing that he tried to be worthy of the circumstances in both cases. “My success and my failure will be judged”, he noted.

    Answering a question from KYPE about common elements between medicine and painting, Kyrillos Sarris expressed the opinion that “theoretically, medicine is an art, not a science”, invoking the saying “Art is long, but life is short”.

    Referring to its properties as an oncologist, radiotherapist and practitioner of interventional medicine, the deceased had said that the manual part of medicine needs skill and imagination to carry out the plan the doctor has in mind to circumvent the disease . “In this sense, there is a connection between medicine and painting”, he added.

    “I would like some of my works to stay in Cyprus”, Kyrillos Sarris told KYPE, citing two of them. One work, as he explains, is on the border between medicine and art and refers to his father, since it includes his medical tools.

    The deceased noted that the other work he wanted to stay in Cyprus, which he had also exhibited in Cyprus and – as he said – “had disturbed a lot of people for political reasons”, is “The impossible landscape”, which refers to the occupied Agios Hilarion.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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