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Monday, June 17, 2024

Anorthosis: Those who came out in front of the difficulties!

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The governing committee put their stamp on the Famagusta team passing the criteria…

Ανορθωση: Αυτοπογ orκανμπροστσταδyσκοα!

Theodoros Tsiolakis

Anorthosis managed to overcome the obstacle of the March criteria, since as announced by “Kyria” her file was complete and luckily for her she avoided any sanctions regarding the removal of points and transfer embargo.

Recently, Anorthosis experienced perhaps the most difficult period of recent years, as the Santi administration had resigned at a point where money had to be found for the team to pass the criteria.

This was achieved after the important offer of the managing committee, which took over for about 15 days, but with the actions it took it helped Anorthosis to avoid the worst.

The people who came forward in the most difficult phase of Anorthosis were Michalis Neophytou, Kyriakos Prastitis, Savvas Avraam and the president of the veterans Andreas Andreou (Klokkos). Four people who for 15 days ran day and night to find money and settle the outstanding issues that existed. In fact, they managed to collect money to pay part of the players' accruals before the Easter holidays, while they managed to secure as long an extension as they could for the criteria. 

From there on, the various actions that were put together at the initiative of the governing committee and ran until now, combined with the help of the people, were the elements that helped Anorthosis to overcome the obstacle of the March criteria.

Of course nothing is finished and what needs to happen is to find a management of the football company that will be able to run the team, as there are immediate obligations.

Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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