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Construction sites without signs, with contractors… ghosts-Red bell, waiting for safe pass

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Εργοτàξια χω&rho πικδεεοβο…φα τατα-Κκικαμανκι, εν αν αμονor του safe pass

It may have been a month or so to the day since the Ministry of Labor announced the new policy entitled 'vision of zero accidents – safe pass', however, it seems that the road is quite long still in terms of the realization of the goal that has been set, since a large number of workers remain exposed, inside buildings that emit a danger signal.

The fact that an agreement has been signed between the social partners and the state to institutionalize mandatory safety and health training in the construction industry is undoubtedly the first step to improve the situation, however, to minimize as much as possible the accidents, it is necessary to set the safe pass in construction sites as soon as ever, so that those who work meet all the necessary conditions.

However, the Minister of Labor had announced that the period of the next two years will be transitional, in order to gradually allow compliance with the obligation to train employees. Something that particularly worries the agencies involved, since as it has become clear from the audits, several construction sites do not fulfill their obligations and pose a risk of death for their workers.

On the occasion of the incident where a worker fell from the roof of a building, 12 meters high in Larnaca, the issue of the safety of employees working in the construction sector has resurfaced. As stated by the president of the Civil Engineers Association of Cyprus (SPOLMIK), Kyriakos Tsiupanis, “the situation that exists is terrifying, since every day we see construction sites without signs, we don't know who the contractor is, no safety measures are taken and they look like abandoned construction sites. Unfortunately, the Labor Inspection Department and the Contractors Registration and Inspection Board are understaffed and an inspection policy must be implemented by the state so that all construction sites are inspected and certified as following the minimum obligations of the Legislation and that workers enter them safely and that people who do not have a job cannot enter them”.

Civil engineers believe that the state's mechanisms need to be activated immediately and that stricter and more effective controls must be carried out, both on large and smaller construction sites. Most accidents, Mr. Tsiupanis explained, happen on small construction sites, where there are not so many controls. “It is necessary to enter into the mentality of the workers of the construction sector, that safety and health issues are not issues related to luxury, but are issues related to our daily life and our survival, because each employee must return home fit and full of health. No profession should be a risk and especially in the matter of construction, we believe that there are almost all the guarantees and all the safety measures that can be taken. We have seen time and time again that where the necessary safety measures have been taken, accidents, falls, injuries and even deaths have been avoided.”

At the same time, the Association of Civil Engineers expresses its regret for the accidents that occur in its field. “Information days and seminars are constantly held, so that instructions are given to the researchers and contractors, on what they must follow, so that we are ready to secure the safe pass. We, for our part, offer all the necessary knowledge to our members that they must have for their safety. From there, it is up to the state to take drastic decisions”, added Mr. Tsiupanis.

READ HERE: A worker fell from a height of 12 meters into a metal canopy

ETEK calls out, demands compliance with the measures

At the same time, for its part, the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus considers that the checks carried out should be more strict and effective for the safety of the workers.

As the first vice-president of ETEK, Platonas Stylianou, told REPORTER, “for years we have been shouting about the safety and health of workers, but we don't see anything changing. We hope the world will respond and now demand its security. At the same time, we are conducting a seminar in collaboration with the Department of Labor Inspection on case studies of accidents in the construction sector, on errors, omissions and proposed solutions”.

For its part, ETEK proceeds with the presentation of safe work methods and good work practices to avoid accidents and above all in highlighting the importance of applying the principles of prevention and timely planning of work, staff training, and the use of appropriate equipment work. “If the worker is not properly equipped and does not have the safe equipment, helmet, belt, equipment, then serious problems arise with their safety”, said Mr. Stylianou.

In addition, according to the first vice-president of ETEK, a special risk prediction study must be carried out in order to implement safe work methods. “For example, it is not possible for the crane to work and the workers to pass under it. The staff must also be trained by the project contractor and proper planning must be done to avoid the risks of accidents”, Mr. Stylianou concluded.

READ HERE: Panagiotou gives a safe pass to the construction industry-Safety and health training is mandatory

Source: reporter.com.cy

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