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Cypriot tycoon ordered to pay compensation of 900 million for sexual assaults and rape

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ΚύπριοστΑνας καετ&alpha ;ιληροηεκγ ;ιεξοικιθσκιι ;ασμò

The stories are shocking

“Astronomical” sum awarded by Los Angeles court to Coca-Cola heir , Alki David,as compensation to a former employee who accused him of sexual assault and rape.

The “astronomical” amount of 900 million dollars was ordered by a Los Angeles court to be paid by Coca-Cola heir Alkis David. as compensation to a former employee who accused him of sexual assault and rape, according to a New York Post report.

In particular, a Los Angeles court unanimously decided that Greek billionaire Alkis David should compensate the employee with 900 million dollars, after he was found guilty of harassment and rape.

The victim she worked as a model for many of David's companies, including Hologram USA.

Κύπριος μεγιστ νσκαεαιρσεζμ ωηεαασεαλιει σεισ κιασμo

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  • According to the New York Post report, Mr. Alkis David initially, in 2016, tried to kiss her during a work trip to his private island in Greece, but she pushed him away, according to information cited by the New York Post.

    Jane Doe was fired later that year and didn't speak to him again until 2018, when he invited her to rejoin as a brand ambassador for cannabis company Swiss-X . After accepting the job, David allegedly invited her to his hotel room, where he gave her a sample of what he claimed was a CBD product, but which left her feeling “drunk” and “disorientated”.

    As reported by the New York Post, the complaint even stated that David took advantage of the woman's situation, masturbating in front of her and forcing her to touch her sexually.

    Κύπριος μεγιστ νσκαεαιρσεζμ ωηεαασεαλιει σεισ κιασμo

    The abuse escalated the next year, when David < strong>allegedly raped her in a small room during a business meeting while also having a Doberman with him, according to the LA Times.

    That office was “disturbingly hostile,” Jane Doe's lawyers said, referring to a room billed as “The Rape Room.” In fact, a poster with pornographic images and the words “HER-ASS” adorned the door of the human resources department.

    The past
    Since 2019, three women, employees of his companies, took him to court, accusing him of sexual harassment, insult to personality and sexual dignity, and they were vindicated. of the decision David.

    Loreen Reeves became the third woman in a row to denounce the scion of the business dynasty and who was vindicated in court, which resulted in David's unique villa in Spetses going up for auction on September 27.< /p>

    According to the New York Post, he has lost several sexual assault lawsuits brought against him, and has been awarded a total of about $70 million in damages.Meanwhile, not a few employees have claimed that David had tried to force them or fired them because they refused to meet with him.

    Κύπριος μεγιστ νσκαεαιρσεζμ ωηεαασεαλιει Εσις κιασμo

    David denies the compensation order of 900 million euros via Instagram

    Alkis David denies every accusation against him, denying that there is a $900 million compensation order against a female employee for sexual assault and rape, a news that became known a few hours ago and flooded the American media.

    By posting on his account on Instagram, Alkis David, a member of the family that controls Coca Cola HBC with factories in 28 countries, undertook toinform his 236 thousand followers of his innocence, with a series of videos.

    A few hours after the news made the rounds on the internet, he pointed out that “this is fake news, and that the newspapers and the media “misunderstood, as it is a written proposal for a compensation order that did not arrive never in the hands of a judge.”

    “It's a misinterpretation of what a lawyer Gary Dordick, Tom's sidekick, had written Gerardi, who also works on behalf of my archenemy, my nemesis, Fox Corporation,” as he stated in his post.

    His business activities include the online television provider FilmOn, the home shopping site 9021go.com, streaming-video site BattleCam.com and modeling agency Independent Models, as well as Hologram USA, which creates holograms of dead celebrities.

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    source: Ot.gr

    Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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