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Monday, June 17, 2024

Cyprus πεδ battlefield for a $ 200 million Russian cruise ship

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The lawsuit against the claimants of the property of the late tycoon Oleg Burlakov was transferred to Cypriot territory.

This time the focus was on the luxury boat belonging to the businessman who holds Russian and Ukrainian citizenship. This is the world-famous “Black Pearl”, worth $ 200 million, over 105 meters long. The owner company is registered on our island, where the dispute was fatally transferred.

Groom's right

Nikolai Kazakov, son-in-law and wife of the deceased's sister, appealed to the Cypriot court and specifically to the Supreme Court, trying to overturn a previous decision of the Nicosia District Court. In essence, he sought to preserve his rights on board, of which he is the legal heir. The appellate court, in fact, acquitted him with a decision issued on March 3 (certiorari).

What preceded

The court of first instance, on the 26th of last October (2021), at the unilateral request of the deceased spouse of the deceased and his two adult daughters, with a decision granted a limited concession to their Cypriot lawyer. What the applicants sought and achieved in this case was that the lawyer in question manage the company that owns the boat, until the issue of Burlakov's inheritance is fully clarified.

Recourse to the Supreme >

When Kazakov was informed of the first-instance verdict, he took legal action through the Supreme Court, securing the right to request the annulment of the above-mentioned first-instance decision. objections, not only from Burlakov's estranged wife and his two recognized daughters, but also from N. and S.

N. was the partner who allegedly lived with the deceased businessman and S., the daughter they had while living together.

The appellate court decided to acquit Kazakov and uphold his request for annulment of the first-instance decision. The lawyer of the deceased groom relied on a written note of the deceased that defined his son-in-law as the beneficiary of the Black Pearl, but also on the fact that he was not given the opportunity to participate in the litigation before the Nicosia District Court.

At the end of his decision, the Supreme Court notes: “I find that the Applicant, in the particular facts of the case, had the right to be heard and that his right has been violated. The concession issued in his absence was not, in essence, an ad colligenda bona & # 8217; in particular in the management of the boat & # 8216; Black Pearl & # 8217 ;, for which the will dated 21.10.2019 makes a special reference, and for which the Applicant claims that he pays its maintenance costs. In conclusion, I find that there has been a violation of the rules of natural justice, which should lead to the issuance of a privileged Certiorari warrant, which annuls the concession issued by the Lower Court. “

Untold property

Note that legal disputes over Burlakov's property are well underway. His untold fortune (including a $ 100 million house in Monaco, a private jet and 4 billion euros in cash) is the subject of a lawsuit in Monaco.

Oleg Burlakov, who died suddenly in June 2021 in Russia At the age of 72, he was a citizen of Russia, Ukraine and Canada. At the time of his death he allegedly had a estranged wife and two adult daughters, whom he acquired within their marriage. Finally, he allegedly had a partner with whom he had a minor daughter.

Source: politis.com.cy

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