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Monday, July 1, 2024

ECOMMBX is ranked first in its category in Cyprus by Great Place to Work

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H ECOMMBX καταλαμβν&epsilon ;ινρηστγρη ;στν Κπο τοECOMMBX is pleased to announce that it has won first place for 2024 in the 20-100 employee category from Great Place to Work! Immediately after the announcement of the results, the ECOMMBX Spartans went up to the podium of the award held by Great Place to Work® Cyprus, to receive their award. This distinction is a testament to ECOMMBX's unwavering dedication to shaping a work culture that breaks down traditional business frameworks and innovates by adopting a policy centered on ethos, love and unparalleled support for each team member. us. In this way we create a community that is more like a family than a work environment.</p>
<p><strong>Excellence and innovation our core values</strong></p>
<p>At ECOMMBX, we pride ourselves on our innovative mindset and the vibrancy of the company culture we have created. Being recognized as a top employer highlights our commitment to creating a supportive and creative work environment for our team – or as we call it, the ECOMMFAMILY. This mentality, combined with our innovative ideas, are characteristics that distinguish us.</p>
<p>One of the standout initiatives is 4-day work, a clear example of our progressive approach to work-life balance. At the moment, we are the first and only company in Cyprus to adopt the 4-day work on a permanent basis, proving that the well-being and happiness of our people is a priority.</p>
<p><strong>Something more than workplaces < /strong></p>
<p>The space that houses ECOMMBX is more than just a workspace – it's an environment of creativity and team spirit. Our game café is one of the ways we emphasize the importance of relaxation and social interactions, thus contributing to a fun and productive atmosphere. This sense of togetherness is key to our philosophy, making every Spartan feel valued.</p>
<p><strong>Employee-Based Recognition</strong></p>
<p>Great Place to Work® Cyprus selected us based on a rigorous evaluation that included direct feedback from our Spartans. The award, in addition to our business successes, also reflects our team's appreciation for the inclusive, dynamic environment that the company's leaders have created. What is our secret? We love what we do and are driven by great passion for our work and the people we serve.</p>
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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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