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ETYK- Astrobank: Agreement for the renewal of the Collective Agreement

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ETYK- Astrobank: Agreement for the renewal of the Collective Agreement


ETYK has reached an agreement with Astrobank for the renewal of the Collective Agreement until 31/12/2022. The new agreement maintains the existing salary scales based on the agreements with ETYK, which will have the index number integrated (like the government).

The ETYK circular is as it is:

“Colleagues, Colleagues,

Recently, negotiations were underway between our Organization and the Management of the Bank, in relation to the renewal of the Collective Agreement (2019 – 2021), which were conducted at the highest level of both parties.

We are pleased today to inform you that our efforts to renew the Collective Agreement until 31/12/2022 had a positive outcome, since we have reached an agreement with the Bank, and the renewal of the Collective Agreement has been signed, which will be valid until 31/12/2022.

The agreement was signed on behalf of ETYK by the Honorary President of our Organization, co. Loizos Chatzikostis and on behalf of Astrobank, the CEO Mr. Aristidis Vourakis, in the presence of the new President of the Bank Mr. Michalis Sarris.

The new agreement maintains the existing salary scales based on the agreements with ETYK , which will simply have the index number integrated (like the Government).

These scales are attached to the text of the agreement but also posted on the ETYK website.

The agreement maintains the agreement for 33% of the Organic positions while the filling of the new positions / upgrades must be done by 31/01/2022. All positions are evaluated and combined with the duties and responsibilities of each employee.

A Non-Earned License is introduced for the first time, to which every colleague will be entitled for educational purposes or due to illness of relatives, with terms of the license that will be agreed between the Bank and ETYK.

The agreement stipulates that within the first half of 2022, the staff evaluation system will be discussed and agreed upon, which will promote objectivity, meritocracy and transparency, something that has always been in the goals of ETYK. Also at the same time to discuss the promotion criteria.

It was agreed to extend the maternity leave to six months and to grant the right to paternity leave for three weeks with full earnings .

Undoubtedly the two parties have the right at the end of this agreement (2022) to submit requests from 01/01/2023, to amend its existing agreements (Article 15).

Also, the contract stipulates that the issue of contributions to the Health Fund will be re-discussed in 2023, after taking into account the course of GESY.

The Agreement stipulates that from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022, the contribution to the Provident Fund of Bank Employees will be at 8% while from 01/01/2023 it will return to 9%.

In the context of the renewal of the Contract, it was agreed that from 01/03/2022 the shifts in the IBUs and in the payment department will be abolished.

Under the new agreement, the two sides reaffirm their commitment to the implementation of the Industrial Relations Code and pledge to abide by it strictly.

Based on the agreement, all the agreements so far were codified and therefore the Management of the Bank and the colleagues can easily and quickly study and know their rights and obligations.

The biggest innovation in the Collective Agreement is the introduction from 2022 of a new method of payment of the annual surcharge, which in summary can be said to be paid directly (75%) and indirectly (25%).

75% will be paid directly to ALL staff based on the attached scales and the remaining 25% will be paid in conjunction with the evaluations of each employee.

It should be emphasized that 25% of the annual surcharge will be paid on the basis of rules and procedures to be agreed with the ETYK and will aim to ensure objectivity and transparency.

The payment of 25% will be decided by a five-member committee, two of which will be appointed by ETYK.

This original arrangement, if used properly and fairly, can offer a lot to colleagues and the Bank itself.

Given the difficult times that the country is going through and especially our financial system, this agreement is a significant success for our Organization, as it thus ensures a satisfactory level for the next critical period of time, the rights and working conditions of colleagues.

On this occasion, we, as the leadership of ETYK, want to emphasize the very positive and well-intentioned approach that we had throughout the negotiations from the CEO of the Bank, Mr. Aristidis Vourakis, and his associates “.

Source: www.philenews.com

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