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Monday, July 1, 2024

In the… field and not behind. Closed doors

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In the… field and not behind. Closed doors

It goes without saying. The decision to change the rules of a league cannot be made during a season. In 2013 the BoD KOP committed to a 12-team championship for the next two years, but the following season, shortly before the marathon ended, agents changed the announcement and increased the teams to 14 while the league was in the process of the playoffs and playoffs.

At the same time, they drew up a six-year plan, which they did not follow last year due to the pandemic. However, when they decided not to abide by it, they again committed that in 2021-22 the championship will be held with 12 teams. But most of the actors decided again this year to modify the announcement. Fortunately, the minority was enough to ruin their plans. Because the issue is not how many teams will participate in the championship.

The aim is for the tournaments to be held on the field and not behind closed doors. That is, how difficult is it for some factors to realize that every decision they make during a season fundamentally affects not only that period itself, but also the next?

The number of teams that will be relegated, their increase or decrease in a league are key parameters for its conduct. Such decisions must have a future in such a way that it does not affect both the current and the next league. The most important thing through such processes is that the general good dominates. To change the mentality of convenience, which hurts the credibility of the sport…

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Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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