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Friday, June 21, 2024

Invest Cyprus strengthens international partnerships through The Marketing and Partnerships Academy program

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Ο Invest Cyprus ενδυναμoν&epsilon ιενερεστο&pi ;ρογραμματος The Marketing and Partnerships Academy

The three-day program The Marketing and Partnerships Academy, which took place from June 11 to 13 in Nicosia and was organized by ANIMA Investment Network in collaboration with the CYENS center of excellence and the Cyprus Investment Promotion Organization (Invest Cyprus), was completed with great success. The program aimed to strengthen the skills of 14 representatives of Lebanese academic and scientific institutions, in order to strengthen their international collaborations.

The CEO of Invest Cyprus, Mr. Marios Tannoussis, was one of the central speakers at the event, highlighting the important role of Invest Cyprus in promoting and supporting such initiatives. “It is a great honor for us to promoteevents that promote collaboration and skills development, as part of the ANIMA Board of Directors and the EuroMediHouse initiative, launched in July 2023 during the Innovations for the Planet event” said Mr. Tannoussis and added< em> “the exchange of views, knowledge and close cooperation can contribute significantly to the continuous improvement of the wider Mediterranean region and sustainable economic development of all countries'.

The Marketing and Partnerships Academy program aimed to develop the skills of the participants, led by experts Louise Gibbons and Simon Chambers. The workshops covered topics such as digital marketing, attracting and creating partnerships with the aim of enhancing participants' skills and supporting them to meet the challenges of international partnerships. Mr. Tannoussis warmly thanked all the participants and emphasized the willingness of Invest Cyprus to continue supporting similar initiatives. He also thanked the Research Innovation Foundation and Chief Scientist Dimitris Skouridis for their excellent cooperation and support. Such programs, he noted, increase cooperation in the Mediterranean region and are investment factors that contribute to economic growth and job creation while at the same time accelerating innovation.

Ο Invest Cyprus ενδυναμoνει δεθεσνεγσστορ ογρàμματος The Marketing and Partnerships Academy

The program ended by giving the participants the opportunity to meet important representatives of Cypriot academic and research community.

The success of the three-day program proves the value of cooperation and knowledge exchange, promoting innovation and academic development in the wider Mediterranean region.

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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