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Sunday, June 16, 2024

No panic, no rush

Must read

 KανΕνας πανικς ;, καμiα βιασyνη

The departure of Ekpolos from AEK Larnaka brought murmurs in the ranks of the world of Apollo, with the management of Nikos Kirzis, however, being focused on how the club will return to a leading course.

That is why she does not panic and sends the message to her world that the necessary moves will be made, without. .. exaggerations. They don't want to make transfers just to satisfy popular sentiment, but moves of substance, so there will be no rush.

It is certain that there will be a significant facelift this year, since ten players have left so far and the in the next period, others may appear. At the same time, of course, the planning team examines the proposals in front of it for staffing, initially giving importance to the defense, since several players left this line (Ekpolo, Darikou, Sielvik, Payburns).

Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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