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Patras: New shocking revelations about the abuse case of Georgina

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The case of the three dead children in Patras has really shocked the whole of Greece, with their mother, 33-year-old Roula Pispirigou, already in custody, as she is accused of intentional homicide of the family's eldest child, 9-year-old Georgina, who died recently. .

The police editor of the newspapers “Ta Nea” and “To Vima”, Vassilis Lambropoulos, revealed to MEGA new information about the two incidents of abuse of 9-year-old Georgina.

New revelations about Georgina

According to Mr. Lambropoulos, Georgina went to the Karamandani hospital in January 2014, by her parents, with reports that some of their close relatives on Manos' side, as the 33-year-old's mother even mentioned, teased the child and they bruised him. It is recalled that Georgina was still a baby at that time.

So far, the hospital has no information on how she handled this case.

In August 2014, a complaint was made to the Child's Smile by a lady, who was a betrayed and deceived friend of Manos Daskalakis, according to Vassilis Lambropoulos. “Information states that the lady in question who made the complaint is not a friend of Manos Daskalakis, but is a close relative, to whom the accusations of the child's bruises are attributed. The social worker goes in October 2014, and one understands that if you go a few months later, the data does not exist, neither the bruises nor anything “, he added.

” A few months ago, one of social workers has been accused and has been formed against the EDE by the Municipality of Patras, with deprivation of several salaries, testified against 18 witnesses, there is a result of 29 pages, which has 141 documents and has been convicted of misconduct, non-compliance with schedule, discriminatory behavior of subordinates, unjustified abstention from the performance of duties as well as continuous indecent and unworthy behavior “he concluded.

Source: politis.com.cy

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