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Payment of pensions without delay to 8 former employees of RIK, trade unions demand

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“The unions in the RIK will not accept the victimization of workers for any reason”

The RIK trade unions are requesting the immediate payment without further delay of their entitled pension benefits to eight of their former colleagues who have already served in their announcement on Friday.

As reported, eight pensioners of the RIK, employees of private law of indefinite duration face a problem in the smooth and timely payment to them of their defined Pension benefits, based on the law on the New Pension Plan in the public and wider public sector, which was passed in 2022, as twelve and now, months after their retirement, they expect the RIK to consult with the Ministry of Finance on the performance of their pension benefits, with no way out to date, leaving the affected colleagues financially exposed.

“The claim by the involved bodies that incomplete information is presented in the Personal Employment Files of the Permanent Employees in the RIK cannot be sustained any further since it is not the responsibility of the employees to maintain employment information for each employee separately”, continues the union, adding that despite this and to facilitate the situation, the RIK requested and the employees responded by providing employment data to the Organization, from the Social Insurance Fund and the Income Tax in an effort to facilitate the payment of their retirement benefits.

“We call the RIK, which by its own decision established the pensionable service of each employee to demand from those who handle the Special Fund of the New Pensioner to pay without further delay the entitled pension benefits to the colleagues who have already served. The Government and in particular those who manage the Special New Pension Fund must resolve the matter without further delay”, the trade union underlines.

The trade unions in RIK will not accept the victimization of workers for any reason, nor another procrastination than anyone, they will closely monitor the whole matter and will decide their next steps depending on the developments, the announcement concludes.

Source: politis.com.cy

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