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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Super Kiki for Lytra: “I was also in the VIP of Korydallos, it's sad to know that they don't want you with them”

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Super Κια Λτρα: «ονκι γσαVIP κορλοy, εναι νωνεδεμ αζi τους»

Her comments about the well-known criminologist

The Apostolos Lytras, has been in Korydallos prison since yesterday, Thursday, June 20 >who will be in the 6th wing of the prison, the so-called VIP wing, as well-known names who had pending cases with the law have passed through these cells in the past.

Through her social networks, Super Kiki revealed that she has also been in this particular prison wing, however it is not as nice as it sounds, since you are completely isolated from the other prisoners.

  • Read also: Christos Christofias: The tender post for the 5 years since the death of his father, Dimitris that he is in VIP and will have air conditioning, what you say is true. He will be in a much better condition than the rest of the prisoners. But think of being in prison and being completely isolated, courting alone, you know that you are alone, that you are hated. I had also been to the VIP, because I was a minor and I had to be transferred from Thebes to Korydallos for a hospital I had to go to and they put me in VIP for a month.

    I could go out to courtyard with the other prisoners but I could see Vicky Stamatis that she couldn't go with the other prisoners and it was very distressing to know that you are in danger and that they don't want you with them. So the air conditioner is not a happy thing”. “It's greatness”

Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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