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University of Nicosia: #1 in Cyprus and Greece – Along with one Cypriot and – two Greek universities

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Πανεπιστorμι&omicron ΛυωσσΚριΕλα ;αεκυρκοελν ικπανεπιστorμια

THE UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA(UNIC) is one of the leading research universities in the wider Mediterranean region. It offers more than 100 conventional (live and distance) degree programs at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level and hosts 12,500+ students from more than 100 countries. Among them are the USA, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and Greece.

1st in Cyprus and Greece

The eldestand the most comprehensive ranking of universities in the world, THE World University Rankings, evaluates and compares universities around the world based on their performance in five areas: Teaching, Research Environment, Research Quality, Industry and Internationalization.

Based on this, the ranking of Greek and Cypriot universities for 2024 is as follows:

The level of educationthat it provides and of the research that the University carries out is reflected in its successes in the main world university rankings. For example, the University of Nicosia is ranked #1 in Cyprus and Greece together with the University of Cyprus, the University of Crete and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, according to the publication of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings for 2024. Accordingly, the University of Nicosia is ranked among the Top 501-600 universities in the world, and #155 in the European Union.

The University of Nicosia's impressive ranking is also reflected in its performance in two of the aforementioned fields, Research Quality and Internationalization, where it has received the highest score of all Cypriot universities participating in the ranking. In these two fields, the University of Nicosia is therefore recognized as the leading university in Cyprus.

Competitive advantagein 5 Different Sectors

The results of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by Subject 2024 rank the University of Nicosia #1 in Business and Finance, #1* in Education and #1** in field of Psychology in Cyprus and Greece, confirming its leadership position in these fields.

Specifically, in this year's results of THE World University Rankings by Subject, the University of Nicosia is ranked:

11 faculty members among the leadingscientists worldwide

Eleven (11) members of the Teaching and Research Staff (Faculty) of of the University of Nicosia are included in the list of the world's leading scientists, based on the ranking published in 2024 by a team of researchers from Stanford University in the USA.

Perennial Orientation to the Future

At the University of Nicosia we believe that technological progress will cause rapidly accelerating societal changes in the coming decades. A wide range of technologies—artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, blockchain, drones, computational medicine, modern space exploration—are already beginning to gain commercial viability.

Each of these technologies will be disruptive to the evolution of our future. Taken together, these technologies will have a multi-layered influence on the economy, social structures, legal systems, income distribution, governance, education, and defense, and will raise fundamental questions about the organization of society.

The 4th Industrial Revolution is dynamically involved in key areas related to the following pillars:

• Digital Currencies and Blockchain

• Machine Learning and Big Data < br /> • Metaverse

• Modeling and Simulation

• Biomedicine/Biotechnology

The University of Nicosia is at the forefront of these developments and is involved in high quality research, cutting edge initiatives, academic and business collaborations, development of academic programs and vocational training, which investigate and address the challenges arising in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In this context, it has already trained more than 100,000 students in academic or professional training courses in the field, while through the Institute For the Future (IFF) it hosts the largest group of professors and research staff worldwide, focused on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology .
At the same time, the University of Nicosia leads as an academic lead in the EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum (EUBOF), an initiative of the European Commission to accelerate the development of blockchain technology within the EU.

The Department of Digital Innovation and the IFF of the University of Nicosia, also implement the initiative to develop the open metaverse, called UNIC Open Metaverse Initiative. The initiative focuses on academic and research issues, as well as policy issues related to open and decentralized systems and standards for the metaverse.

Starting point for successfulinternational career

The Universityworks to develop mutually beneficial relationships with its partners and create connections between students, alumni, faculty and industry. In this way, its students and graduates have the opportunity to gain real knowledge and experience from their friction with working life, so as to prepare for a successful career in the competitive job market after their studies. It is worth noting that 94% of the University's graduates are employed within 18 months of completing their studies.

Employment rates per School

• School of Management Business: 96.3%

• Faculty of Education: 95%

• Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: 90%

• Faculty of Law: 92%

• Faculty of Life and Health Sciences: 93%

• Faculty of Sciences and Engineering: 94%

• Faculty of Medicine: 99.9%*

(* cumulative percentage of the period 2015-2022)

Campus atforeign standards

The moderncampus of the University of Nicosia consists of 20 newly built or renovated buildings of special architectural design and is located in the bustling area of ​​Engomi, Nicosia. During the last years, more than €100 million has been invested in infrastructure. The continuous development of the campus allows the creation of specialized facilities and modern teaching spaces for the smooth operation of each Department.

The wider area around the campus is developed and harmonized according to the needs of the students, always aiming to provide a student life rich in experiences and beautiful moments, through contact with the local community and diversity, learning and fun.

Leof. Makedonitissas 46, CY-2417,

P.O. 24005, CY-1700, Nicosia

Tel. (central): 22841500

Tel. (registrations): 22841528

E-mail: [email protected]

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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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