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Intervention of Christodoulides at the International Conference: The war in Ukraine must end

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ΠαρΕμβαση Χρι&sigma τουλτη Διεσκεη ρεαισιπεσσν Ουκρανiα

The war in Ukraine must end, the President of the Republic Nikos Christodoulidis said on Sunday in his intervention at the International Peace Conference< /strong> in Ukraine, held in Switzerland, noting that lawlessness stemming from invasion, occupation and the use of force will never be tolerated.

“We are all here today to reiterate that Ukraine is not alone. This broad participation of leaders reflects our strong commitment to lasting peace in Ukraine. For lasting peace on the European continent, at a time when the perception that ‘peace is a given’ has collapsed”, the President emphasized.

He noted that “our presence here today is also aimed at emphasizing the great respect of the international community for the heroic, brave Ukrainians. Today, we all actively and collectively demonstrate that our solidarity and support both to Ukraine and its people towards the establishment of a just and sustainable peace remains firm and united, said President Christodoulidis. He said that Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine has caused unimaginable consequences for the country and untold losses to its people, and has also led to disastrous regional and global consequences.

“Russia's actions have jeopardized food security for millions of people around the world. Therefore, it is vital tokeep shipping channelsopen for Ukraine to export its products, making it clear that food security must not be instrumentalized under any circumstances, he pointed out. .

He further said that yet another tragic humanitarian aspect of this war is the captives, prisoners of war and children of Ukraine, who were forcibly taken to Russia.

“A generation of Ukrainian children has experienced fear. , loss, tragedy, violence, physical and psychological, for more than two years. Today, we reiterate our determination and persistence to act as catalysts for their safe return to their families, he said.

This war must end, the President stressed, adding that lawlessness stemming from invasion, occupation and the use of force will never be tolerated or recognized.

“We stand by Ukraine. , aiding all righteous efforts for a lasting peace in the land. At the same time, our respect for the inviolability of borders, territorial integrity and independence of all states is unconditional for all nations around the world” he said.

Concluding, President Christodoulidis expressed the hope that the Summit will pave the way for a meaningful dialogue with results, which will ultimately chart a path towards a comprehensive peace, based on international law and basic principles of the United Nations Charter.

Source: www.philenews.com

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