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Messages of support for equal opportunities in education from Aristotle at the final celebration of Rizokarpasos Schools

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Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, the Head of Humanitarian Issues for the Missing and Imprisoned, Ms. Anna Aristotelous, attended the final celebration of the Schools of Rizokarpasos, who sent messages of support to the children, stressing that the goal is to ensure equal opportunities in education. In the context of the event, Mrs. Aristotelous awarded, on behalf of the President of the Republic, monetary prizes to the graduating high school and elementary school students and to the excellent students of Rizokarpasos Schools.

“”People are not happy thanks to physical and material goods, but with upbringing, education and a lot of knowledge”. This is what the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus once said. This is also my message today to you, the children, our children. You who constitute the future of the country, who through your education gives birth to hope for tomorrow”, said Ms. Aristotelous in her greeting, expressing her joy and appreciation that after some time she was at the graduation of the students of Rizokarpasos Gymnasium and Lyceum.

Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

As Ms. Aristotelous said, “today we celebrate the completion of an important and decisive phase in your life and the beginning of a new period full of challenges but also opportunities”, while she conveyed the congratulations of the President of the Republic to all the students who completed their school year with success, but also for the achievements of the excellent students of the Gymnasium and Lyceum.

“Your persistence and hard work, your consistency, especially in demanding courses, and your never-ending drive to realize your goals are commendable and an example to us all. You are living proof that with commitment and dedication any goal can be achieved. It is enough for each child to believe in himself, in his goals and in his abilities, but also in his dreams, which he should never give up. And if some things may seem difficult, persistence and will will lead you to achieve your goals”, said Ms. Aristotelous.

Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

The Head of Humanitarian Affairs stated, among other things, that knowledge is the key that opens the doors to countless opportunities and gives every child the power to shape their future, while she indicated that even more important is the value of lifelong learning since, as he said, acquiring new knowledge and experiences are valuable skills so that children and young people can respond effectively to challenges.

Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

Ms. Aristotelous conveyed the support of the Government and the President of the Republic himself, Mr. Nikos Christodoulidis, saying: “We invest in education and provide opportunities for all young people, because we believe that the future is in your hands. And this is the reality. Because you are the future. Our purpose is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to grow and achieve their dreams.”

In the context of the Governance Program, where the focus is on the person and the human-centered approach, Ms. Aristotelous said: “Both I personally, as well as our Service contribute in every way in this direction, so that the purpose becomes a reality, through various actions for your social and personal development, with events of an educational, cultural and entertainment nature, with the provision of incentives, with the granting of increased monetary prizes for the final students and excellent students of High School and Elementary School.”

Additionally, Ms. Aristotelous emphasized that the Presidency, in the same context, proceeded to increase the Easter gift for our nine students, the 45 students who attend the Kindergarten, Primary and Sixth Form High School of Rizokarpasos and for the 18 infants, while “we contributed in improving the quality and quantity of products sent, as well as sending for the first time Easter and Christmas food and treats for all families, for everyone, stranded and resettled”.

Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

Afterwards, Epikephalis said: “In collaboration with the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, we are proceeding to strengthen education by implementing training courses based on the needs you have sent us, as well as the implementation of the educational trip to Italy with your teachers. We have also recorded the needs for musical instruments and toys, and in collaboration with the Minister of Education we will proceed to achieve this goal as well.”

Finally, for the first time, as Ms. Aristotelous said, activities were organized with the participation of trapped and resettled children, such as watching a theater performance, participating in events organized in the Acropolis park, which included recreational games and a meal for all the children and students and offering Christmas gifts, visiting the Camel Park, etc., while partnerships have been developed with Universities, with the aim of involving children in various programs.

“Through these programs, such as scholarship programs, professional training, innovative educational initiatives and university partnerships, we will continue to provide the tools and opportunities you need to progress and grow. Technology and research, language learning and skills will be the pillars on which the future of education will be built, ensuring that all students have equal access to education and opportunities,” concluded Ms. Aristotelous . 

Μηνύματα στorριξ ηιαεκιστνεα εσηαριλοτηντε&iota ;κορτor τωνσοεωνριοκαπ&sigma ;ου

Μηνύματα στorριξης για Ισες ευκα&iota ;ρεσεκπυση αισο τοσσεικor τωνσο λεΙων Ριζοκαρπασου /></p>
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Source: reporter.com.cy

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