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Bean Bar: They cool off our summer with a trilogy of fresh juices

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The chain “boosts” the summer moments with …cool vibes!

Bean Bar: Δροο&u;κλκοι αεμιλλφεκν ;μoν

Summer is already spreading its warm rays and along with carelessness brings the need for refreshing, light and healthy flavors. The Bean Bar makes its presence felt this summer as well, with a unique limited time trilogy of fresh juices, which will “boost” consumers with …vibes of coolness and positive energy!

Made from 100% fresh fruit, the three new juices launched by the chain are rich in nutrients and vitamins. With summer expected to be especially hot, Bean Bar's new juices are the all-natural, low-calorie drink that will invigorate and provide refreshing breaths to consumers.

The trilogy begins with “The Kinky One” which includes melon, green apple, banana and passion fruit and packs 55 calories per 100ml. It is followed by the juice “So Peach!”, with strawberry, peach, red apple and orange, whose calories are only 49 per 100ml, while it is rich in vitamin C. Accordingly, the option “Funky Sour!” with pineapple, mint, green apple and lime, it's also a rich source of vitamin C, packing just 51 calories per 100ml.

Bean Bar: ΔροσΙζουν το κ αοοοσμιοοο ;ρεσκων χυμoν /></p>
<p>Without syrups, preservatives, added sugar or whipped cream, as is often the case in commercial juices, Bean Bar's all-fresh juice trilogy offers only beneficial ingredients for the body, harmonized with optimal nutritional standards. For the creation of the specific products, moreover, Bean Bar received the expert opinion of a nutritionist and operators in the food sector.</p>
<p>The juices will be available in all Bean Bar stores, both inside Alfamega Hypermarkets and and in independent stores on Makariou Avenue in Nicosia, Kolonakiou Avenue in Limassol and in the old port of Limassol.</p>
<p>And of course, the chain's limited time summer juice trilogy will be accompanied by the chain's original coffee varieties, which include a blend from Latin America and three special single varietal coffees from Costa Rica, Brazil and Nicaragua.</p>
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Source: www.kathimerini.com.cy

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