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Monday, June 17, 2024

Colombia and Ecuador dismantled a gang that trafficked five tons of cocaine every month

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Κολομβλα και ;σημερινoς εξαρθρωσαν συμμορiα &pi ;ου διακινοyσε πΕντε τονους κοκαΐ&nu ;ης καθε μorνα

Colombian and Ecuadorian authorities announced on Sunday that they had dismantled a criminal organization responsible for trafficking up to five tons of cocaine a month to the US and European markets and arrested two brothers who allegedly headed it.

According to Colombian police, the “Los Curva” gang made more than $2 billion in annual revenue from drug trafficking.

Κολομβλα και Ι&sigma ημερινός εξΑρθρωσαν συμμορΙα π&omicron υ διακινοyσε πΕντε τονους κοκαΙνη ς καθε μorνα

After a police operation that lasted a year, the police arrested two brothers, Colombian citizens Ader and Dayron Cuero, leaders of the gang, according to the authorities of the two countries.


Ader Cuero is wanted by US authorities for drug trafficking.

Colombia is considered the country with the largest production of cocaine in the world. Drug trafficking provides funding to gangs, far-right paramilitary groups and far-left rebel organizations in the country.

“This operation stops the trafficking of five tons of cocaine on a monthly basis,” said Colombian police deputy director general Nicolás Zapata during a press conference broadcast digitally live yesterday Sunday.

The director of the drug enforcement agency of the Ecuadorian police, William Villaroel, clarified that the gang used speedboats and vessels under the flag of Mexico to transport drugs into Mexican territory by sea.

The Curva gang was working with the Mexican Sinaloa cartel, as well as gangs in the Balkans, according to the authorities of the two countries.

In 2023 they already had six Colombian citizens and 22 Ecuadorian citizens were arrested as part of the investigation into this case.

source: CNN Greece

Source: 24h.com.cy

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