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Concession of land to the occupying army against the background of EVKAF

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Concession of land to the occupying army against the background of EVKAF

The occupying regime decided to cede land belonging to the vakufia to the occupying army. An action which is not considered unrelated to other movements of the occupation regime, such as in Varosi, which have the background of EVKAF. And the new decision is not considered unrelated to the movements in the property.

The Turkish Cypriot media published yesterday a decision of the so-called “cabinet” of the occupying regime, according to which an area of 145 thousand square meters characterized as bakufik and located in the Karpasia peninsula will be given to the occupying army for a period of 30 years without rent.

The Turkish Cypriot newspaper Kipris Postasi (KYPE source) wrote that the so-called “cabinet” of the occupying regime decided to grant it for use by the “administration” of the “security forces” for 30 years, according to the decision of its “board” Department of Bacchus and Religious Affairs, dated September 21, 2021, the property that belongs to it and is located within the boundaries of the community of Rizokarpasos.

It is noted that the said decision of the “ministerial” was published in the “official newspaper” of the pseudo-state on October 14. When examining the map attached to the decision, he added, it was found that the area offered to the occupying army for free was 145,000 square meters.

This has wider political dimensions related to the property and the issue of Famagusta. Based on the latest developments, the decision taken by the occupying regime states that it recognizes the properties that EVKAF declares to be its own. Recognizing the concession of “EVKAF land” to the so-called “Turkish Cypriot army”, the regime of the occupiers makes it clear that it recognizes all the other “Vakufian properties”.

An area in which the Turkish side declares that it is a bakuf property is also the part of Varosia. And with the latest development, the occupation regime shows its intentions and what exactly it wants to achieve when it invites the refugees from Varos to go to the so-called “real estate committee” to claim their property. The “legal battle” to which the occupation regime invites the Greek Cypriots will be essentially between the people of Varos and EVKAF. But in the meantime, the occupying regime itself is taking care to create a series of facts that recognize and strengthen the position of EVKAF and that it owns properties in Varosia and elsewhere.

The call made by the occupying regime, which is being repeated by Ersin Tatar, is nothing more than an attempt by the occupying authorities to trap the refugees and, through a decision of the “committee”, to “prove” to them that the properties to which they appealed do not belong to them but belong to EVKAF.

Discussion on Varosia at SEY on Monday

The situation in the besieged city of Varos, as well as developments in the eastern Mediterranean in general, will be on the agenda of the Foreign Affairs Council on Monday in Luxembourg, according to a European official who told reporters in Brussels ahead of the meeting.

The same official explained (according to the KYPE) that the issue was placed on the agenda by the High Representative as a follow-up to the statement of Josep Borrell in July, which stated that the Foreign Ministers would consider possible actions in case Turkey does not reverse the unilateral movements in the area. “Because Turkey has not reversed steps and in practice nothing has changed since July, when it was decided to change the regime (part of the enclosed city). “We will hear from the Member States what needs to be done,” he said.

The official added that the discussion on Varosia is part of the larger discussion on the Cyprus issue and the effort to resume talks under the auspices of the UN.

According to the representative, presenting the agenda of the meeting, in parallel with Varos, incidents in the eastern Mediterranean with the involvement of Cypriot ships and Turkish military ships are expected to be discussed.

Noting that Mr. Borelle met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and that there were meetings at various levels, the official added that Mr. Guterres wants to continue the dialogue on the Cyprus issue but that he should communicate with both parties.

“We expect a discussion on Monday during which the foreign ministers will discuss what the next steps will be, as well as how they will be formed in the context of the broader picture of the return to talks under the auspices of the UN,” he concluded.

The issue of Varos is on the agenda as a current issue, along with developments in Afghanistan and Tunisia, among others. The main agenda of the meeting includes relations with the Gulf countries, the eastern neighborhood and the situation in Ethiopia and Nicaragua.


Source: 24h.com.cy

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