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Monday, June 17, 2024

CT Analysis: Turkey's plans for Cyprus. Strategic wreckage and incremental reconnaissance

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    Αναλυση CT: Τα σχδ ιηοκινσο ;ατηγικναυγιι σταδιακ ;αγνoριση

    Diplomatic war in the background to prevent unpleasant developments in the Cyprus issue – The Turkish side targeted a shipwreck, hoping for recognition of the pseudo-state – They are trying to achieve the goals through the 3A

    Especially the landscape of the next day remains foggy in the Cyprus, a few days before Maria Angela Holguin's decisive valuation debate with Antonio Guterres in New York. The personal envoy will meet with her principal at the beginning of June to inform and discuss the events, which she will record in her report.

    Holgin does not just find that there is no audience. ground, but also that under the circumstances it is very difficult to detect.This result was sought from the first day by the Turkish side, which in the last months did everything to prevent any developments. Ersin Tatar followed exactly the original plan, according to which he would bide his time so that the effort would end without a concrete result and theoretically pave the way for recognition of the pseudo-state.

    Also and the most well-intentioned players, lost hope after the clear revelation of Turkish tactics during Holguin's latest round of contacts in Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot leader left no window open for negotiation, refusing to accept the holding of an informal joint meeting of the leaders with the personal envoy. He insisted that the only path that can lead to the resumption of talks is this of ensuring sovereign equality.

    Ersin Tatar remains boringly single-issue, proving that the last thing he's interested in is getting the Cypriot back on track. Faithfully following the orders and directives of Ankara, he buries the federation and aims to accept the existence of a Turkish “state” in Cyprus. That is where the Cyprus issue begins and ends for the Turkish side, which is betting everything on efforts to recognize the pseudo-state.

    Their plan is obvious.Since there can be no recognition of the illegal entity even by neighboring states of Turkey, the plan wants the recognition to come about through the lifting of the isolation and the empowerment of the Turkish Cypriots. That is where the positions of Turkish officials are focused, who use every step to promote the development of relations of the pseudo-state with the rest of the world.

    At this stage, the Turkish demand is the 3A , which Ersin Tatar described to the personal envoy allegedly as a sign of goodwill. Direct trade, direct flights and direct channels of communication with foreign countries. Actually this is another definition of a two state solution and sovereign equality. Through this process they believe that recognition on paper can also arise.

    The opening of Turkey is to all players, with the most recent example being the contacts that Fuat Oktay had in Norway. The former Vice-President of the country and current President of the Foreign Relations Committee of the National Assembly, met in Oslo with our old acquaintance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Espen Barth Eide. After the meeting, Oktay hinted that Eide said he agreed with the two-state solution and was ready to contribute from his position to lifting the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots.

    Pressure from Ankara's side has been practicing for months in the direction of the member states of the Organization of Turkish States, in view of the informal meeting that will take place in July in Azerbaijan. Other states, such as Pakistan, are receiving strong pressure. During the week, the Pakistani Foreign Minister met with his Turkish counterpart and immediately afterwards publicly stated that his country supports the people of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”.

    In the Republic of Cyprus reacts to all this with hesitation, as a result of which a diplomatic war is in the background. The goal is not to give in to any country, defying the serious consequences that such a possible decision will bring.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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