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Dimitris Starovas: He suffered an episode of atrial fibrillation in the hospital (Video)

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ΔημτρηςΣβας: Υπστε πεισδιλπισμαργστ ο νοκομεο (Βεο)

his health

Dimitris Starovas remains in the hospitalafter a slight stroke he suffered last week and was rushed for observation.

On the evening of Wednesday, May 22, the well-known artist suffered an episode of atrial fibrillation, which worried his relatives.

In fact, the president of POEDIN, Michalis Giannakos, spoke on the show of Giorgos Liagas about yesterday's difficult night and how the situation was dealt with.

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He characteristically said: “His blood pressure and his speech are regulated. Last night he had an episode of atrial fibrillation and the cardiologist director came up and examined him. Identified his problem and treated it with medication. This morning he is very calm in a bad way. This problem did not exist until yesterday and it may be momentary and temporary.

The messages are optimistic and his health is doing very well. He will return healthy to his home and to his daily life. What matters is that it was dealt with. His condition and psychology are very good”. /strong>

Source: showbiz.cyprustimes.com

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