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Monday, June 17, 2024

Explicit commitment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Tornaritis to increase state sponsorship to Nicosia 

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    Ρητor δεσμευση Εερταησ ρτκχοηγοσ Λεκσ iα 

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs responded positively and pledged to promote the issue as an immediate priority immediately after the elections

    Explicit commitmentof the Ministry of the Interior for a substantial and annual increase of the state sponsorship to the new Metropolitan Municipality of Nicosia, was secured by the competent Minister of the Interior Konstantinos Ioannou the candidate Mayor of Nicosia Nikos Tornaritis.

    N. Tornaritis raised the issue of the increase in state sponsorship with documented evidence to Mr. Ioannou, linking it to the increased needs created by the merger of the 4 urban municipalities into a large Metropolitan Municipality and the role of the city as the capital. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded positively and committed to promote the issue as an immediate priority immediately after the elections.

    The Minister of the Interior was also informed about the positions of Nikos Tornaritis in relation to the problems created by the overconcentration of immigrants in areas of the city. N. Tornaritis proposed a set of measures included in his own Plan for Nicosia and found the full response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to limit such phenomena in the context of the effective management of immigration by the state. In the immigration issue, the Municipality will implement additional interventions, implementing infrastructure projects and coherent European programs for social cohesion.

    N. Tornaritis put an end to his proposals to stimulate the critical areas, both in the historical center and in the areas of Kaimakli, Pallouriotissa, Agios Pavlos and Agios Dometios. He asked for enhanced incentive plans for residence and business activity, as well as the planning for the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of traditional city cores and municipal apartments.

    Since he was elected to the mayor's office, N. Tornaritis expressed to the Minister of the Interior his strong policy willingness to work closely with the state in order to have full coordination with the Municipality, the new Municipal Council and its services for the good of the city and its citizens.

    Source: cyprustimes.com

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