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Monday, June 17, 2024

Strong reaction from KOEAS to the “games” of the Turks in the Balkan Championship -…

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 Eντονη αντiδρ&alpha ;σηαηνΟΑα«πινια »ωνκωβλκπρ&tau ;αθλημα -...

Olivia Fotopoulou was not affected by the Turkish challenges before the start of her 100m race. at the Balkan Athletics Championships held in Izmir and won the silver medal.

Specifically the organizers displayed a pseudo-state flag next to Fotopoulos' name in the qualifiers and wrote on a placard, the Republic of Cyprus as South Cyprus!


KOEAS and its president Pericles Markaris did not stand idly by and made direct representations to the Balkan federation, asking the organizers not to repeat such a thing.

And as noted in KOEAS response, the next step is to withdraw from the organization, with Greece following us…

Source: gipedo.politis.com.cy

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