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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The “electricity authority” Turkish guild resists its privatization plan promoted by Ankara

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The Turkish guild, which represents the employees of the “electricity authority”, announced that it will oppose the privatization plan of the “authority”, which is being promoted by the Turkish government in cooperation with the three-party “government”. The new announcement comes as representatives of the “government” parties visit Ankara.

According to an EL-SEN union statement, union members are determined to resist the “sale”. of the “electricity authority (KIB-TEK) in foreign capital”.

The president of the Turkish Cypriot union, Kublai Ozkirac, referred to the statements of “Prime Minister” Unal Ustel, that “the electricity authority will be restructured” and argued that this structure provides for the sale or transfer of the “authority” to foreign capital by dividing in three parts, as set out in the protocol on economic and financial cooperation signed in the previous period.

According to the Turkish trade unionist, to date new technical staff and the maintenance of existing power stations have not been consciously carried out. “This is because they are trying to transfer and sell KIB-TEK to foreign capital, to foreign interest circles.” government ”to resign. He added that “our resistance against annexation, destruction and dictatorship will continue regardless of the cost.”

Source: politis.com.cy

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